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Are they? I'm scared of them lol.
Reply 2
both :smile:
once you use tampons you never go back. towels are gross.
Reply 4
I agree its so much cleaner and I don't know whether I'm just paranoid because I've been assured I don't smell when I'm on but I'm sure it makes you smell better too. I am still worried about wearing them overnight though.
Reply 5
I agree its so much cleaner and I don't know whether I'm just paranoid because I've been assured I don't smell when I'm on but I'm sure it makes you smell better too. I am still worried about wearing them overnight though.

dont wear them overnight. youre not supposed to wear them for more than 8 hours, so if you oversleep then you will. use towels at night, thats what i do.
Reply 6
Jebus, I hate periods... I can stomach blood in so many forms, just not periods.

Reply 7
ur meant to alternate tho, its not good to use tampons all the time i think it even says on the instructions on the packets if im not wrong.
i only use tampons if im going out on the first couple of days wen im heaviest. makes me less paranoid.
Reply 8
The "I don't use anything" option....ewww!
Reply 9
eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :puke:
I use tampons. There is nothing worse than that feeling when you can feel the blood coming out!!! :eek: Tampons I think are much more hygienic and you dont feel like you have to check all the time. :wink:
What are tampons?
im kidding :wink:
I picked "I don't use anything", because I don't get my period (been on the injection - but I've stopped having it so maybe my period will make a glorious return soon; when it does, I think I will be using tampons, because towels are ugly and cumbersome and rustly.)
Oh my god! Seriously, tampons are the greatest invention since... I don't know what :biggrin: Seriously, why use towels? It's like being a baby again and sitting in a nappy except it's blood not poo. Ew, sorry, that was gross. I apologise.
Reply 15
I could never get them in the right place before I could always feel them. Then I tried tampax compaq you know the plastic applicator ones and they worked, and then after a few months i tried the regular applicator ones because they are cheaper and biodegradable, and I can use those too now.
Although sometimes I have to wear a towel too cos the absorbancy on tampons doesn't always work if I'm on heavy.
I could never get them in the right place before I could always feel them. Then I tried tampax compaq you know the plastic applicator ones and they worked, and then after a few months i tried the regular applicator ones because they are cheaper and biodegradable, and I can use those too now.
Although sometimes I have to wear a towel too cos the absorbancy on tampons doesn't always work if I'm on heavy.

Yeah same, that's why I voted for mostly tampons but sometimes towels! Anyway yeah I think it takes a while to get used to them and to get them in the right place.

Hah, this thread must be so gross for guys to read :smile:
Reply 17
Well they should have to appreciate what we have to go through every month lol. Wearing something that resembles a nappy is not a pleasant experience.
Reply 18
i am scared of tampons. I would prefer to use them, but i'm worried i'd have an accident :redface: