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Reply 1
Don't be intimidated, confidence is really attractive however you look and that's what will shine through in the end!!
me too. when meeting new people if their not good lookin i find it alot easier. i think i always feel totally inferior to good looking people and good lookin people are usually cool and popular too. though i feel intimated by not that attractive people who are really confident.
Reply 4
Fit people usually seem to bring out the best in me...

I'm pretty shallow tbh, so I do generally gravitate toward them whether I mean to or not.
Reply 5
Weirdly, I prefer to be friends with people that are good looking, it makes me feel better looking in some weird, strange way.
Reply 6
me too. when meeting new people if their not good lookin i find it alot easier. i think i always feel totally inferior to good looking people and good lookin people are usually cool and popular too. though i feel intimated by not that attractive people who are really confident.

Yes.. ditto
confidence building sucks
Reply 7
I get intimidated by good looking men - I tend to blush a lot, and I think a lot of it has to do with self-confidence; I've always wondered if it wouldn't happen if I was hotter myself. But with good looking girls I'm content just to take in their beauty without feeling intimidated.
Reply 8
Weirdly, I prefer to be friends with people that are good looking, it makes me feel better looking in some weird, strange way.

Lol, how does that work? I always feel less than them :s-smilie: , which in turn makes me turn into jelly and become non-confident
Hii ...
Maybe because I am kind of shy, or just aren't that widely socialable (um can't spell:shifty:), but I find it slightly hard to talk to pretty people... even when they talk to me first, I mean any gender, just friends ? Just get intimidated by their looks!

Anyone understand what I mean :s-smilie: ?

No one should intimidate us.

it only turns them off, since it shows a lack of confidence.
Reply 10
Hii ...
Maybe because I am kind of shy, or just aren't that widely socialable (um can't spell:shifty:), but I find it slightly hard to talk to pretty people... even when they talk to me first, I mean any gender, just friends ? Just get intimidated by their looks!

Anyone understand what I mean :s-smilie: ?

yeah i do!

personally for me i think its because if i start talking to the kind of person you're on about, i feel that people would instantly see straight through me and be like "oh you're only talking to her cos she is pretty"..when in actual fact, i'd only really want to talk to them cos its the sociable thing to do!

Weirdly its happening at the moment, the girl I like the most is the one I talk to the least...she must just think i ignore her :frown:
i think i tend to gravitate to the not so cool and pretty people cuz i fele confident with them. though if your friends with the cool good lookin people it does give you a boost whereas you may feel embarrased and like a loser if your hanging round with ugly losers. but their not a loser just cuz their ugly, its just being ugly and unconfident as welll
I get intimidated by good looking men - I tend to blush a lot, and I think a lot of it has to do with self-confidence; I've always wondered if it wouldn't happen if I was hotter myself. But with good looking girls I'm content just to take in their beauty without feeling intimidated.

your sig made me laugh.
Not at all. However on the rare occasion that I meet someone I find intellectually brilliant, especially girls, I'm often a little intimidated. It's mostly because they want to jump me, but I worry I don't have the verbal speed to keep up with them
I generally find huge, cyclopian grocks more intimidating, and they tend to be ugly.
Reply 15
I actually half-hate good looking men, I don't know why, I think its a "don't look so smug with yourself you gelled up idiot", when really they're probably very nice :smile:

Oo btw, I only hate them a little bit, and only if I don't know them...Once I get to know them its alllll gravy :biggrin:

Edit: Erm...not in a flirty way...
your sig made me laugh.

Reply 17
i think i tend to gravitate to the not so cool and pretty people cuz i fele confident with them. though if your friends with the cool good lookin people it does give you a boost whereas you may feel embarrased and like a loser if your hanging round with ugly losers. but their not a loser just cuz their ugly, its just being ugly and unconfident as welll

jeez that's pathetic.

I am shallow myself and prefer hanging around hot people but feeling more confident with uglier people because you feel they are somehow inferior is soooo sad
yeah I do, I somehow feel more confident talking to people who are not very good looking/average. That may be shallow but it feels like I'm on more of an even playing field.
I am hugely intimidated by good looking people. The guy I fancy atm, is gorgeous and a hit with all the girls, so I'm even less inclined to talk to him lol.