Teenagers are horrid, Ive been there, I went through years of incessisent torment...why? Because I use to always have my hair tied in plaits, sounds pathetic right? From there it would go on to be about all kinds of ridiculos things and it really got to me, I could never make the bullying go away because no matter what I did, how I changed, it never stopped until I went to college.
It wasn't me who needed to change, it was my surroundings. As hard as it is, you have to find a way of letting go of all the torment, because it was kids who did that to you, kids who didnt know their arse from their elbow and only bullied you because they were either insecure about themselves or jelous. It took me a long time to realise that there wasn't anything wrong with me and even now I will still get upset by what went on but I have to move past that.
By your description you do not sound manly at all. Girls who look manly tend to dress in whats seen as a 'manly' way, maybe they have a boy cut hairstyle etc, but it was kids being kids, and kids can be cruel, you just have to see past that now!