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What makes a girl look like a man?

When I was younger (early teens) I used to get bullied by someone who kept saying I looked like a man. It affected me alot and I went through a stage of bad depression and anxiety from it.

That was over 3 years ago now but I just can't get it out of my head and I still believe it. I won't wear make-up very much cause I fear I will look like a drag queen. I won't be in photographs cause I don't want to see how I look as it will give me solid confirmation that I look hideous.

But what does make a girl look like a man cause I want to figure out what it is about me. It isn't my body cause although I hate the way my body looks, I do have curves and a chest, even though I hate them. So it must be my face that looks masculine.
I've been told by people I look insecure before and I am, so does this make me look less feminine? I have slightly high cheekbones and a heart shaped face (wide forehead, smaller and thin chin) can this make someone look manly? I also have dark (almost black hair) and black eyebrows (but I do pluck them though) does dark hair make someone look manly?:confused:

What is it that makes someone look manly??:confused:

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Reply 1
Teenagers are horrid, Ive been there, I went through years of incessisent torment...why? Because I use to always have my hair tied in plaits, sounds pathetic right? From there it would go on to be about all kinds of ridiculos things and it really got to me, I could never make the bullying go away because no matter what I did, how I changed, it never stopped until I went to college.
It wasn't me who needed to change, it was my surroundings. As hard as it is, you have to find a way of letting go of all the torment, because it was kids who did that to you, kids who didnt know their arse from their elbow and only bullied you because they were either insecure about themselves or jelous. It took me a long time to realise that there wasn't anything wrong with me and even now I will still get upset by what went on but I have to move past that.

By your description you do not sound manly at all. Girls who look manly tend to dress in whats seen as a 'manly' way, maybe they have a boy cut hairstyle etc, but it was kids being kids, and kids can be cruel, you just have to see past that now!
Reply 2
your face doesn't sound manly at all, i would forget what this sad little excuse of a prick said and be happy with how you look....chances are the person who was bullying you probably looked wierd and had to move attention away from their hideousness onto someone far better looking than themselves.
Reply 3
In answer to your question, I would have said a flat chest, flat behind, lean legs, broad shoulders and angular features (strong chin etc.), heavy eyebrows, etc. might make a woman look like a man. Then the way you dress, I suppose.

So reading your post, it doesn't sound like you look like a man at all. :smile:

What do your parents think?
Her mannish face tbf
erm a big nose, small eyes, high forehead, big head
erm girls have high cheekbones too and they are very attractive.
maybe post a pic, you prob dont look as much a man as u think...i have noticed that kids usually go over the top because they want something to make fun of, so you prob think you look more like a man than u actually do.
Reply 6
Most people who call you, probably arent calling you, because of what you look like or who you are. They are calling you because thye lead sad pathetic little lives and no matter how much they put you down, its someone else like you, or you yourself that will amount to more than they could ever be.

i know it still hurts when they call you, and its stupid to say "ignore them" etc, because no one ever seems to do so. But if you take it to heart what they say then your punishing yourself for somenoe else attempt at either being the big man, or making them selves try and feel superior. Dont giv them the satisfaction. Just fire them in later life :P
When I was younger (early teens) I used to get bullied by someone who kept saying I looked like a man. It affected me alot and I went through a stage of bad depression and anxiety from it.

But what does make a girl look like a man cause I want to figure out what it is about me. It isn't my body cause although I hate the way my body looks, I do have curves and a chest, even though I hate them. So it must be my face that looks masculine.

deja-vu o_o

my exact story. :frown:

iuno. got over it eventually lol.

but tbh my college friends call me a man sometimes and they didn't even know about the previous bullying so it mut be something :s-smilie:
Reply 8
The first time they did it, they probably noticed it upset you, so they'll continue to do it.
Reply 9
Do you have a moustache?
Reply 10
don't worry about it at all dear, kids talk **** :smile:
Reply 11
A beard would probably do it.
Telling a girl that they look manly is just a quick way to insult someone and get a reaction, there isn't any truth behind it.

I doubt you do look like a man, if you look insecure it will make you an easy target because bullies know they can get a reaction. Words mean nothing and please don't let it affect you so much, I know its easier to say that than feel it though. There is nothing behind the words.

It will take time, but once you are happier within yourself you'll realise nobody is looking at you and thinking that you look manly! :hugs:

Also, people only look like drag queens if they wear make-up to be seen and not to enhance or cover your features. I think make up only looks bad on people when they cake themselves in it, like when they have an orange foundation line under they're chin or put eye shadow up to their eyebrows! Why don't you just wear some mascara and lip gloss? It might sound shallow, but I always feel nicer when I wear mascara.

With time you will begin to get more confidence in yourself and you'll feel so much better. When I left school and got a job it changed me, and I'm much happier for it. I was so shy and had no confidence in school, but now I don't care so much what people think.

Believe me, someday you will feel so much better. Please don't let it affect you anymore.
Reply 13
Do you have a moustache?

A penis.
One or more of the following:

Adam's apple,
Hairy body,
Hairy face,
Muscular enough to take down a bear.
I couldn't believe there's a massive topic on wikipedia about it Ladymen

what about guys who look like girls...

Cheek bones are usually a give off, but honestly some guys are quite attractive (not that im gay) and they look incredibly like women. It's the cheek's that do it...then the nose.
If you have a penis like me, that usually does it.
Reply 18

what about guys who look like girls... .

I think this guy.. Eliah? I forgot his name - who played Frodo - he looks girlish, but I'm not sure why! probably his face is just too 'pretty'.
Reply 19
penis buldge doesn't help :smile: