The Student Room Group


for the past three or four weeks I've been feeling particularly low. initially, I assumed it was related to the arguments I'd been having with my boyfriend, but even now those problems are resolved I'm still feeling miserable.

I feel utterly alone all the time, and even when I am with people I feel as though I'm a total burden to them, like they'd rather be doing something else. I've part of a very small group at sixth form who I don't feel are liked by many others, and thus feel consistently anxious and panicky about going into school only to find the friends I do have are away and I'm alone. I often did this anyway, but lately especially, I'm finding myself analysing myself, my past and my future and what has gone wrong / what is likely to go wrong, and wishing I could change but feeling like theres no point because my loneliness isn't going to change before university anyway.

my mum thinks its either the time of year or depression which is making me glum, and has suggested that I go to the doctor, but I don't really see any point because I don't feel like I have anything to complain about, and it's not like I'm contemplating suicide. I have a lovely boyfriend, some good friends and lots of university offers which has meant I have a lot more choice for the future than I originally estimated I would, but I'm still miserable.

I don't know why I made this thread, I suppose it's a quite cliched really. I was just wondering if anybody had any opinions as to whether its likely to pass, what I should do, yadayadayah.

there's no harm in seeing a counsellor, their trained to recognise peoples problems and stuff and will probably be able to pinpoint why you feel so down despite things being generally OK in your life
Reply 2
the first few times u go to the doctors they say they think it will probably pass and to give it a month or so and tell you to go back if u have become worse. so it would prob be best to give it some time and see if things improve. Sometimes things just work themselves out and u have to give them that chance. it probably sounds a bit stupid, but a good thing to do is to write down what bad thoughts ur thinking when ur low and then write down alternative thoughts say the next day when ur feeling a bit better. then the nxt time u feel low u have the alternative thoughts ready. I did this with a cognative therapist, and it takes a while to get used to but it helps in the short term. It doesnt neccersarily tell u why you are feeling low, but it helps u to controll the way u think about things, and feel a bit more optimistic. Depression isnt always caused by bad things happening in ur life. Sometimes its just ur brain saying stupid irrational things to u which get u down!!!!
hope this helps xxxxx
Reply 3
I spent a few months seeing a pyschiatrist on a regular basis when I was 14 or so, but the appointments eventually stopped because he said I was simply going through angsty teenage stuff. There have been a few times since then that I've wanted to go back to see him and it was briefly mentioned by my doctor who said it may help me cope with stress, but nothing has ever come of it(usually because I decide I don't have "real" problems and the appointments would be a waste of his time.) I spend ages trying to work out why I'm so miserable and usually end up confused, guilty and self loathing.. a little while ago I did consider a counsellor, but I immediately dismissed the idea for the same reasons.

I'll give it a little time, see what happens. If it continues I'll go and speak to my doctor, see what he thinks. thank you all x