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Friends constantly taking the piss out of me

I'll keep this short.

About a month back, me and one of my very good friends met a group of four other people at uni and we quickly became friends with them. At first we were pretty alright with each other, going places, cracking jokes etc. but over the last few weeks they've constantly been taking the piss out of me for no reason whatsoever.

They're just constantly putting me down, calling me a loser and stuff. I know it's meant to be lighthearted but they do it all the time and I just don't think it's funny anymore. If I bring it up they'll probably tell me I'm being emotional and dramatic.

Ever since we've met them my other friend (who I'm usually always with) has started to ignore me too, and usually takes part in the insults and things which makes me feel quite bad.

I don't know what I've done wrong. Please help, thanks.

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Reply 1
Some people enjoy doing it because it takes the attention off them, they're afraid if they don't do it to you then others will do it to them. If it gets too much, I wouldn't bother with them personally but just try and don't react angrily or anything and see what happens or start giving them a bit of stick.
Reply 2
Some people enjoy doing it because it takes the attention off them, they're afraid if they don't do it to you then others will do it to them. If it gets too much, I wouldn't bother with them personally but just try and don't react angrily or anything and see what happens or start giving them a bit of stick.

Thanks for the reply.

I suppose you're right. But I'm always the one who's being singled out. Everytime we're together it's just them taking the piss out of me and me just sitting there.

I've tried the giving them some stick thing but they all gang up on me and laugh in harmony and so on. Ugh. I don't react angrily at all. If I try to ignore it they keep saying stuff like 'You're not crying are you?'

I'd just stop hanging around with them but I don't want to lose my other friend because of them.
If I were you, I would just tell them to stop because it annoys me.
I usually say things straight..
Reply 4
If I were you, I would just tell them to stop because it annoys me.
I usually say things straight..

I've done that already. They just laugh at me and call me a child/emotional.
any time they start up, just walk away and dont say anything....they'll soon realise and stop
Reply 6
Thanks for the reply.

I suppose you're right. But I'm always the one who's being singled out. Everytime we're together it's just them taking the piss out of me and me just sitting there.

I've tried the giving them some stick thing but they all gang up on me and laugh in harmony and so on. Ugh. I don't react angrily at all. If I try to ignore it they keep saying stuff like 'You're not crying are you?'

I'd just stop hanging around with them but I don't want to lose my other friend because of them.

There reaches a point between a bit of friendly joking banter and just getting insulting. It sounds like they've crossed that threshold really to the point where they don't even seem like your friends, maybe they just see you as someone they can pick on for entertainment which is why they keep you around. Sounds like you're better off just not bothering with those kids.
any time they start up, just walk away and dont say anything....they'll soon realise and stop

yah, this sounds great too! just ignore them, whatever they say...
soon or later they will stop.
if not
punch them on the face:smile:
Reply 8
There reaches a point between a bit of friendly joking banter and just getting insulting. It sounds like they've crossed that threshold really to the point where they don't even seem like your friends, maybe they just see you as someone they can pick on for entertainment which is why they keep you around. Sounds like you're better off just not bothering with those kids.

That's so how it feels like. Whenever I get home after a night out I feel like I've been bullied. It's really getting to me and they just don't get it. I don't think they notice either but it's really really gotten out of hand. Before it'd just be a joke or two, now it's just constant insults and so on.

The worst thing about it is that my other friend, who's a really really good friend of mine takes part in it too. In fact, he initiates most of it. It's just so depressing.
Reply 9
any time they start up, just walk away and dont say anything....they'll soon realise and stop

As I said, any type of 'retaliation' just results in them calling me childish/emotional and then they just keep going on about that for the rest of the day.

Like one of them will start cracking a joke and will then say 'Oh I forgot, he's going to go cry then'
Reply 10
Basically, next time they do it, tell it like it is, angrily. Don't get emotional or begging, tell them how it is and tell they should stop acting like they're in year 7 and grow up, because they're the childish ones, not you. Get up and walk away confidently and maturely. Find someone else to talk to, and wait to see if they come back to you with their tail between their legs, which they generally would do. If they don't, they're not worth it. You won't lose your other friend if you do this, if he realises what he's been doing, but if he doesn't come back to you he's not truly your friend.
Reply 11
Basically, next time they do it, tell it like it is, angrily. Don't get emotional or begging, tell them how it is and tell they should stop acting like they're in year 7 and grow up, because they're the childish ones, not you. Get up and walk away confidently and maturely. Find someone else to talk to, and wait to see if they come back to you with their tail between their legs, which they generally would do. If they don't, they're not worth it. You won't lose your other friend if you do this, if he realises what he's been doing, but if he doesn't come back to you he's not truly your friend.

Thank you so much.. I'll try that next time. I think they would try to come and sort it out with me if I did that, but then I'd always feel awkward and 'fake' around them.. I don't know, but that's what I think.

I don't know what I've done wrong to deserve this though. Why didn't they pick on someone else? Why me?
Reply 12
Maybe try talking to your friend before you confront all of them? Say that you understand it's a joke and not meant to be taken seriously, but enough is enough and a you are not obliged to find every joke they make funny. If you're better friends with him then the rest of the group then he should be more understanding.

It's really difficult to say something like that if you're male because you're supposed to be all macho and pack animals and stuff like that, but if you get your friend on your side first and say that the jokes need to be toned down because it's not nice hearing it, maybe ask him to give you an example when someone else in the group was taken the piss out of (someone who hasn't had it done to them recently obv) and just generally explain that enough is enough.
Reply 13
Talk to your original friend, as s/he seems like someone you can trust. See what s/he says. Otherwise I suggest get rid.
Reply 14
Thank you so much.. I'll try that next time. I think they would try to come and sort it out with me if I did that, but then I'd always feel awkward and 'fake' around them.. I don't know, but that's what I think.

I don't know what I've done wrong to deserve this though. Why didn't they pick on someone else? Why me?

It's nothing you've done, people are idiots at times, even our friends. I've been in this situation so many times it's untrue. All the time, I've walked away and just got a new set of friends to talk to, showing it's them and not me whose had the loss, and practically every time one of the other group has come back to me, saying they miss me or just trying to make amends by talking to me with a sort of youthful sorry face :rolleyes:. It's actually quite satisfying seeing them beg for you to come back, and it's your choice whether you want to go and act like nothing happened, or just stand your ground and avoid them, depending on how much it affected you.

Don't feel as though you'd be awkward and fake around them, if they are genuinely sorry and there is a genuine friendship between you and them, then you'll be back to normal again. I've found people do it to the ones they think are the most vulnerable and who won't just walk away, so if you do walk away, they'll get a shock.
Reply 15
Maybe try talking to your friend before you confront all of them? Say that you understand it's a joke and not meant to be taken seriously, but enough is enough and a you are not obliged to find every joke they make funny. If you're better friends with him then the rest of the group then he should be more understanding.

It's really difficult to say something like that if you're male because you're supposed to be all macho and pack animals and stuff like that, but if you get your friend on your side first and say that the jokes need to be toned down because it's not nice hearing it, maybe ask him to give you an example when someone else in the group was taken the piss out of (someone who hasn't had it done to them recently obv) and just generally explain that enough is enough.

Exactly. I mean, I'm not some skinny little kid.. I'm an amateur boxer, but I'm just not the kind of person to enjoy being taken the piss out of ALL the time. I'd understand if everyone was equally 'bullied', but it's just me and nobody else and it's done all the time.

If I told my friend, he'd stop himself, definitely, but I doubt he'd tell the others to keep it down. I wouldn't want him to do that either as it's worse if they hear it through third parties that I don't like it, right?

I've already done the 'I'm serious, can you please stop that? It isn't funny all the time' thing. They just all laughed. I'm finding it really hard to control my temper to be honest.
Reply 16
i dont see why you call them your friends
i would get em back perosnally
Reply 17
It's nothing you've done, people are idiots at times, even our friends. I've been in this situation so many times it's untrue. All the time, I've walked away and just got a new set of friends to talk to, showing it's them and not me whose had the loss, and practically every time one of the other group has come back to me, saying they miss me or just trying to make amends by talking to me with a sort of youthful sorry face :rolleyes:. It's actually quite satisfying seeing them beg for you to come back, and it's your choice whether you want to go and act like nothing happened, or just stand your ground and avoid them, depending on how much it affected you.

Don't feel as though you'd be awkward and fake around them, if they are genuinely sorry and there is a genuine friendship between you and them, then you'll be back to normal again. I've found people do it to the ones they think are the most vulnerable and who won't just walk away, so if you do walk away, they'll get a shock.

Ah.. It's good to know I'm not the only one who's gone/going through this. This is the first time it's happened to me which is why I'm so confused about what's going on.

Why am I considered vulnerable though? What would make someone think someone was vulnerable?
why dont you make fun of them? not in an angry way, thatll just cause them to make fun f ou even more but do it in a sarcastic manner, they wont know whats hit them
Reply 19
Exactly. I mean, I'm not some skinny little kid.. I'm an amateur boxer, but I'm just not the kind of person to enjoy being taken the piss out of ALL the time. I'd understand if everyone was equally 'bullied', but it's just me and nobody else and it's done all the time.

If I told my friend, he'd stop himself, definitely, but I doubt he'd tell the others to keep it down. I wouldn't want him to do that either as it's worse if they hear it through third parties that I don't like it, right?

I've already done the 'I'm serious, can you please stop that? It isn't funny all the time' thing. They just all laughed. I'm finding it really hard to control my temper to be honest.

Well at least that's one more person that stopped, it's better than none, right? And if he does even say, "come on guys, let it go" or something, it might make them rethink their actions majorly because of the whole pack mentality.

If you were female, this would be so much easier, you could sit each one of them down separately and say, "do you like me? If so, why do you keep doing things that you know upset me? Yes, I know you mean them as jokes but every joke has a grain of truth and there's been a bit too many of those lately". But since you're male, you have to make it short, snappy and effective.

Then again, girls would do it behind your back anwyay :p: