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Do you find them attractive in a partner (or anyone else for that matter), or not?
I think it looks good on other people but a while ago I lost too much weight (not on purpose) and had my hipbones sticking out, felt completely out of proportion...
Reply 2
They are really nice, I like collar bones as well. Just like tracing them with my fingers.
And watching hip bones move as people walk is nice.
Reply 3
God, yes. It's one of my favourite parts of him. :redface:
I never knew they were so...interesting.
Reply 5
I never knew they were so...interesting.

Stop flashing them then, you're just encouraging me!
Stop flashing them then, you're just encouraging me!

Thanks for sharing that with the forum! :redface:
Reply 7
hipbones connected to the leeeeg bone
Reply 8
Thanks for sharing that with the forum! :redface:

It's hard to restrain myself with Marky bouncing all over the boards....must...resist... :p:
Reply 9
Oh yeah on girls they rock, especially in combination with lowcuts.

As for other bones I just adore my collarbones =)
Bring on the strappy tops....shoulders....nice!
Hip bones are probably one of the last places i'll look at on a hot girl. So many better places for my eyes to wander. :smile:
Reply 12
not particularly.
Reply 13
Hip bones are probably one of the last places i'll look at on a hot girl. So many better places for my eyes to wander. :smile:

Yeh, Im not so sure I take any notice at all of hipbones :confused: I look elsewhere. On males of course though for moi :wink: :p:
Reply 14
i think they are sexy...shame my boyfriend's put on weight so you can't see his anymoer! :P

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