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What happnes if you fail a module in reality?

I guess it depends on the university but if you fail a module and get say 35% but you pass everything else at say 60% and you attended all lecturers in the 35% module do you think they would give compensated passes? I still haven't got the results, but I know the average mark for this module was 46%, a pass is 40% so I am getting really worried.
Reply 1
I guess it depends on the university but if you fail a module and get say 35% but you pass everything else at say 60% and you attended all lecturers in the 35% module do you think they would give compensated passes? I still haven't got the results, but I know the average mark for this module was 46%, a pass is 40% so I am getting really worried.

Do you know what happened with other students that failed previous modules in a similar position? I would have thought the uni would make you resit a module, but surely we're not the best people to be asking about a subject and university specific policy?
Reply 2
Do you know what happened with other students that failed previous modules in a similar position? I would have thought the uni would make you resit a module, but surely we're not the best people to be asking about a subject and university specific policy?

Well its university specific since the university has had to adopt standard practises across the entire university, and it seems to be the roughly the same pretty much every where.

i don't know anybody in the situation that have failed 1 module in their 3rd year, last year it happened to somebody and she got a compensated pass but its the third year now, the problem is I am likely to fail the resit as well if I failed the first one, becuase I prepered very well for it.
Reply 3
I guess it depends on the university but if you fail a module and get say 35% but you pass everything else at say 60% and you attended all lecturers in the 35% module do you think they would give compensated passes? I still haven't got the results, but I know the average mark for this module was 46%, a pass is 40% so I am getting really worried.

na, getting 35% in a module overall is a fail......40% is the minimum pass mark at uni'. Compensated passes depends on the module leader i reckon

46% is still 6% more then a pass......which is still a pass.....but you don't wanna be getting a 3rd in a module in your 3rd year!!!
Reply 4
na, getting 35% in a module overall is a fail......40% is the minimum pass mark at uni'. Compensated passes depends on the module leader i reckon

46% is still 6% more then a pass......which is still a pass.....but you don't wanna be getting a 3rd in a module in your 3rd year!!!

Well they save all the hardest modules till last so people can't drop out, there is another assingment I am having major problems with too. I got 68% last year though overal and 25% of that mark carries over to this year.
Reply 5
Well its university specific since the university has had to adopt standard practises across the entire university, and it seems to be the roughly the same pretty much every where.

i don't know anybody in the situation that have failed 1 module in their 3rd year, last year it happened to somebody and she got a compensated pass but its the third year now, the problem is I am likely to fail the resit as well if I failed the first one, becuase I prepered very well for it.

you just have to hope that as you prepared well you won't get less than 40%

lou xxx
Reply 6
35% is normally a fail, however if everyone seemed to get a very low score on that module, then I guess markers can sometimes be leniant and raise the grade boundaries. Sometime students can petition if everyone got a really low result, but again it really depends on the university.

It actually happened last year with one of our modules, the weird thing was that either ppl got REALLY low marks or REALLY high marks (I was the lucky one with 95% :p: ). However since our university is linked with examiners from UCL and Imperial, it wasnt possible to to do something about it, but I did hear they had raised the boundaries by 5%.
Reply 7
Well they save all the hardest modules till last so people can't drop out, there is another assingment I am having major problems with too. I got 68% last year though overal and 25% of that mark carries over to this year. your 2nd year is worth 25% of the final grade :smile: ...........thats rather little....i though it would be more

I am a 2nd year, i average a 2:1 last semester, even tho i failed my group coursework for one of the module, it was worth 25% of the final grade.....our group had redo it, it was capped at 40%. I still manage a 2:1 in that module :biggrin:

I heard that 3rd year is really hard, the project or dissertation takes ages.......i think i need to step up a few gears to get a 2:1 overall...

What grade are you aiming for?
Reply 8
Realisticy a 2:1 all my work has to be in in early May, I still have half the final year diseration site to do, and I have only done 2500 words of my desertation out of 10,000.

I'm not as far behind as soom though. The hardest thing about it is you can never relax and the work seems to be increasing all the time.
im pretty sure they fail u and make u resit it. thats what they do here regardless if u've attended. although we got 10% from attending tutorials-check this out at ur uni

chill tho, its done and there's nothing u can do wats done is done
Reply 10
They make a very good point of attendance here, its used in examing board meetings, so if you attended no lectures and got 35% they are not going to have any sypathy at all.
Reply 11
I failed my first year at uni by one point. I'll never get over it. My attendance for lectures was 100%, I attended most classes and I still failed.

My results sheet looked something like this.

Subject 1 - 68%
Subject 2 - 39% :frown:
Subject 3 - 55%
Subject 4 - 42%

Result - Repeat 1st year
Reply 12
I failed my first year at uni by one point. I'll never get over it. My attendance for lectures was 100%, I attended most classes and I still failed.

My results sheet looked something like this.

Subject 1 - 68%
Subject 2 - 39% :frown:
Subject 3 - 55%
Subject 4 - 42%

Result - Repeat 1st year

Eeek, did they not even offer you a resit?:eek: If that me I don't think I would have had the patience, I think I would have stuck a large garden gnome in who ever made that decision.
I hope this website helps you AT82. This site I've got from a tutor from Salfor uni. I asked for that site because I wanted to know the course in more detail. In addition, I saw an assessment section in the website, and I decided to let you have a look. In the information section, hover your mouse arrow over and click on assessmnt.
A module in Reality? I'd be worried if I failed that... ( :rolleyes: sorry, someone had to say it!)
A module in Reality? I'd be worried if I failed that... ( :rolleyes: sorry, someone had to say it!)

Haha, exactly what I was thinking when I read the subject :rolleyes:
I guess you really need to talk to your tutor or module leader for that subject. On my course we have to get 40% in the exam and 40% in the coursework to pass a module. One of my friends got 39% in one of the exams we did in January but still had an average of over 40% with the coursework. But it means that they've failed that module cause they didn't get 40% or above in the exam. The module leader told them that if they pass all their summer exams then when the exam board meets they may be able to pass the year on compensation for that exam or they may have to resit that module.
You can always have a 3rd class or a pass degree. I know people who have those kinds of degrees and got good jobs with good salary. In addition, some uni's in America and Canada have no honours because they stayed on 3 years instead of 4. The 4 years is to get an honours degree. I'm sure that the north american people still got good jobs and salary despite their non-honours degree.