The Student Room Group

Where can i buy some clear-lens glasses? (fake glasses)

i've wanted some glasses for ages, although i don't actually need them, and i really want to get some before my uni interview, not to give a false impresison or anything but so that i will feel in the right mindset, some 'clever specs' if you will... :rolleyes:
there seems to be some good websites on the internet, but i know with my luck i'll order them and they won't suit me, so i was wondering if anyone knew any high street shops where i could buy these??
thank youuuuuuuuuu
Reply 1
You can go into your standard opticians say you just want to buy some frames. My optician says people do it all the time; he sells some pretty snazzy glasses.
Reply 2
New look had some last summer
All the same glasses in opticians come with clear lenses in them - I'm sure you could ask to buy a pair with zero prescription lenses.
Reply 4
try they have some really nice frames and they cost next to nothing! my bro got some made by them because he kept breaking his and it was costing my mum a fortune! i think they ended up at about £25 and his were with prescription lenses included and express delivery. theyr worth a shot!
glasses direct are good too n have loads oif cheap frames.
funspex do really funky ones for like £10 a pair!
Reply 7
claires accessories have some for about £1
Reply 8
(edited 11 years ago)
You might want to get them at an opticians and pay slightly extra for anti-glare (or similar). I wear reading glasses but usually avoid wearing them for interviews as I feel it goes better if I can make direct eye contact. Also, with cheap university lights, I seem to get a lot of glare so the interviewer can't properly see my eyes at all.
Reply 10
I bought mine at Smackk for $5 and they fit nice, i wear them everyday. Here's a link: