The Student Room Group

anybody transferring to another uni (2nd year transfer)??

I need some help please. I am at manchester (first year) but I am planning on transferring (2nd year) to a uni in London for personal reasons and plus I am from London and I just want to be somewhere closer to home...
So I was just trying email some unis that I am considering transferring to but I am really stuck as to how to start the email (a starting point..:confused:) lol sorry if this sounds really stupid but I would really appreciate some help on what would be the right words and what exactly I am suppose to say :frown: :frown:
If possible someone who is kinda in a similar situation, share their emails if thats how they contacted the uni they wanted to transfer to, maybe, please? :smile: Obiviously if you don't want to share your reason for some reason, a general framework maybe.. :smile:

Any advice/help would be really really apprecaited :smile:

Thank you :smile:

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Reply 1
anybody.. :frown:
Reply 2
I would phone admissions as a starting point if I were you, they will be able to help you through the whole process... which universities are you interested in?
Reply 3
what uni in london and waht course?
Reply 4
I would phone admissions as a starting point if I were you, they will be able to help you through the whole process... which universities are you interested in?

...I was thinking of giving UCL a try (although it is highly highly unlike I know :frown:) but I always wanted to go there so I think I should atleast give it a try and if they say no (which they probably will:frown:) fair enough...:smile:
and I am going to speak to city, QMUL and kingston maybe..still working on my options... :frown:
Btw thanks for your help :smile::smile:
Phone them, then you wont have the uncertainty of the email as to whether they have got it or not.
Reply 6
what uni in london and waht course?

city, QMUL kingston etc [UCL maybe, but I know the answer will be no but I think atleast I'll try :frown:]
...for psychology :frown:
Reply 7
I'm hopefully transferring to Royal Holloway university of London next September, first thing I did was to call up the admissions department and ask whether or not they accept 2nd year tranfers. I'd definately call rather than email, that way you get an immediate definate answer and aren't left waiting for days. Good Luck :smile:

Edit: I'd also check that the modules you're covering in your first year match up to those offered at your possible transfer uni. If they don't then you wont be allowed straight into the second year. Unfortunately psych seems to be a pretty tough course to transfer within (found this out after making many phone calls on behalf of my boyfriend). I know Royal Holloway do accept psych students so maybe thats close enough to London for you?
i am transferring away from durham, but i have gone through UCAS like last year, but i have also emailed all 4 uni's i have applied to explaining to them why i want a transfer and that i would be willing to gain a transfer through getting a particular score at first year durham instead of improving my a levels if they wanted.

just be blunt with them, explain and be honest. start by introducing yourself, what uni your at, what course your doing and why you want to transfer away

then sell yourself to them

let them know why ur interested in the course

email the course leader, not ug-admissions, they usually just ignore you.. i emailed ug-admissions, course leader, school of social sciences..

and remember, if they say no, don't give up.. its how i got a place at durham in the first place.

good luck.
Reply 9
Phone them, then you wont have the uncertainty of the email as to whether they have got it or not.

...yes I agree phoning is better than email but in a weird way i dunno I am scared lol I think I'll get it right maybe if I write it down rathee than saying it..if that makes any sense :frown: lol

its just that I am at manchester which is a top uni..with better graduate job prospectives n stuff so I keep thinking that if I have to transfer it has to a uni with a good rep as Manchester..:frown: so I want to get my words right...I just want to get this right...make a good impression n maximise my chances of them considering me if you know what I mean..
Reply 10
I'm hopefully transferring to Royal Holloway university of London next September, first thing I did was to call up the admissions department and ask whether or not they accept 2nd year tranfers. I'd definately call rather than email, that way you get an immediate definate answer and aren't left waiting for days. Good Luck :smile:

Edit: I'd also check that the modules you're covering in your first year match up to those offered at your possible transfer uni. If they don't then you wont be allowed straight into the second year. Unfortunately psych seems to be a pretty tough course to transfer within (found this out after making many phone calls on behalf of my boyfriend). I know Royal Holloway do accept psych students so maybe thats close enough to London for you? is indeed a "tough course to transfer within.." :frown::frown:
I did check RHUL, the modules aint very similar and plus I think the location although it has a beautiful campus and all is not forme I think. By being at manchester, one thing that I have realised is that I want to be in a city I am more inclined at looking at unis in central london.
Secondly, that is tooooo near home as I live in surrey myself...I think egham is approx 23-25 miles from where I live...i did prefer to in central london somewhere and come home every weekend or whenever there might be need lol without spending 100s of pounds on train tickets :frown:
Reply 11
Ali M
i am transferring away from durham, but i have gone through UCAS like last year, but i have also emailed all 4 uni's i have applied to explaining to them why i want a transfer and that i would be willing to gain a transfer through getting a particular score at first year durham instead of improving my a levels if they wanted.

just be blunt with them, explain and be honest. start by introducing yourself, what uni your at, what course your doing and why you want to transfer away

then sell yourself to them

let them know why ur interested in the course

email the course leader, not ug-admissions, they usually just ignore you.. i emailed ug-admissions, course leader, school of social sciences..

and remember, if they say no, don't give up.. its how i got a place at durham in the first place.

good luck.

thank you :smile:
could you please, if possible, elobrate on the "not improving your alevels and getting a particular mark in your first" point please..:smile: because I might use this useful point aswell..
so, i emailed the 5 unis i applied to through ucas.

on my ucas form it says that i am plannin to resit and improve my maths a level.

however, i emailed the universities, one of which includes UCL, and said to them, i am willing to meet a certain grade in my first year in uni rather than improve a level maths if that is what they want..

is that clear?

it confuses me too tbh..
Reply 13
Ali M
so, i emailed the 5 unis i applied to through ucas.

on my ucas form it says that i am plannin to resit and improve my maths a level.

however, i emailed the universities, one of which includes UCL, and said to them, i am willing to meet a certain grade in my first year in uni rather than improve a level maths if that is what they want..

is that clear?

it confuses me too tbh..

ahan..yes it is clear lol thank you.
so what did UCL say..did they say yes? I really would love to get a transfer to UCL :rolleyes:
ahan..yes it is clear lol thank you.
so what did UCL say..did they say yes? I really would love to get a transfer to UCL :rolleyes:

i wish.. the only think i've heard from them is an acknowledgement
Reply 15
I successfully transferred from York to Imperial (biochemistry at each, and I went straight into the second year at York. I don't have the e-mails I wrote any more, but if I was doing it again I might say something like this:

"Hello. I'm contacting you to inquire about the possibility of transferring to [destination university]. I am currently in my first year at [current university], studying [subject]. I am just making preliminary investigations at the moment, so I do not mean to express definate intent to move - but any information you can give me would be much appreciated.
My A-level results are [...] and I am expected to acheive a [...] at the end of this year.

Thanks for your time

[your name]

You could send something like that to the admissions tutor for your subject (find them from the website). They're usually very friendly and happy to help. We e-mailed back and forth a few times - it was about this time of year that I initiated contact - and then in the summer I went up to visit for a day and met the admissions tutor and he showed me around. It wasn't until September that I finally committed to the move, and I went in through clearing (it has to be done by UCAS in the end).

I hope that helps, good luck
Reply 16
Ali M
i wish.. the only think i've heard from them is an acknowledgement of luck :smile:
Reply 17
I successfully transferred from York to Imperial (biochemistry at each, and I went straight into the second year at York. I don't have the e-mails I wrote any more, but if I was doing it again I might say something like this:

"Hello. I'm contacting you to inquire about the possibility of transferring to [destination university]. I am currently in my first year at [current university], studying [subject]. I am just making preliminary investigations at the moment, so I do not mean to express definate intent to move - but any information you can give me would be much appreciated.
My A-level results are [...] and I am expected to acheive a [...] at the end of this year.

Thanks for your time

[your name]

You could send something like that to the admissions tutor for your subject (find them from the website). They're usually very friendly and happy to help. We e-mailed back and forth a few times - it was about this time of year that I initiated contact - and then in the summer I went up to visit for a day and met the admissions tutor and he showed me around. It wasn't until September that I finally committed to the move, and I went in through clearing (it has to be done by UCAS in the end).

I hope that helps, good luck

thank you soo sooo soo much rock_ten:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
...that does help alot :biggrin:
cheeky_chick of luck :smile:

you too, keep us updated!
Reply 19
hey guys I was just wondering that when you email uni's about transferring do you things like 'i would delighted if I am given an oppurtunity to study at your uni?' or maybe 'I really like your institution, because of its excellent rep etc etc.' or I really really want to study at ABC (lol) uni, always wanted to etc etc and otha melodramatic stuff like that or does that make you look too desperate and plus unrelible because it was me who chose to come to the uni I am at now and certainly the other university is soo much better obiviousy I have my reasons for transferring but still..
...any help would be much appreciated :-)

thanks :smile: