The Student Room Group
Reply 1
ok guys im having a few probs thinking up some dissertation ideas so any thoughts, ideas etc wud be greatly received :smile: im thinking of flooding, but id love to do it on a natural hazard i.e. i was thinking of doing something on aseismic design or peoples perceptions of risks in natural hazards

so any ideas anyone?! :rolleyes:

Has the research got to be British-based? or are you thinking of fieldwork abroad?

If it's going to be GB based, then examining peoples perceptions of flooding compared with the new Environment Agency calculation of their flood risk might be interesting... you could do this for a confined region (eg Southern Britain) if your funds are limited or extend it to different areas of Britain if not.
Reply 2
u could do something on volcanoes.

a teacher at my school studied the viscosity of lava for her phd. she used golden syrup to simluate lava flow, i'm not quite sure what she found though :biggrin:
Reply 3
Dissertations sound fun! I know someone at Soton who did something to do with flooding and Boscastle, there's plenty of resources on that!
Reply 4
Yeh i was thinking flooding, ideally based in portmouth/hampshire or bristol but i cud be persuaded to take a holiday... sorry field trip somewhere!