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Reply 1
I have shower/bath everyday or at least every other day. i wash my hair every other day. Its not so unusual.
Reply 2
10 minute shower every night except for sunday when it takes me 30 mins because its a fresh week.
how long does everyone spend in the bath/shower? in the winter i spend up to an hour cos its soooooo cold1
I have shower/bath everyday or at least every other day. i wash my hair every other day. Its not so unusual.

yeah same
Reply 5
I hate baths! there soo boring!
But I do have them very regulary insted of a shower when I finish dancing to sooth my muscles for the next day....
but how can any1 lie in a bath for soo long... just lying there...... staring a 4 walls..... :|:
This may seem like a strange question, but i go to a boarding school and there are some girls that i have never seen going to take a shower or a bath!
have you got their phone no.'s? :biggrin:
I personally have a shower every morning. Is this strange?? Is it strange to wash so often?

No...i should do this, and when i'm in Uni i wash everyday--other times no
I hate baths! there soo boring!
But I do have them very regulary insted of a shower when I finish dancing to sooth my muscles for the next day....
but how can any1 lie in a bath for soo long... just lying there...... staring a 4 walls..... :|:

its so lovely and hott mmmmmm :bath:
Reply 8
I hate baths! there soo boring!
But I do have them very regulary insted of a shower when I finish dancing to sooth my muscles for the next day....
but how can any1 lie in a bath for soo long... just lying there...... staring a 4 walls..... :|:

i know what u mean, i can only stay in the bath for about 10minutes
Reply 9
ano me 2!! then I think, What a waste of the hot water! :P:
I shower on average two times a day, and sometimes go for the bath-->shower combo.
I wash and wash my hair everyday. I don't know how peopel can sit in a bath for ages, the water goes cold, and you're sitting in dirty water anyway( unless you shower, then go in the bath)
Reply 12
every day

*goes in shower*
I hate baths. They disgust me. It's like sitting in your dirt. Urrrggghhh.

The only time I'll have a bath (sometimes you need to relax!) I will have a shower first and then a bath.

I know, I'm weird... :biggrin: Anyway back to orginal question. I used to have a shower/wash hair every day but then my hairdresser was so shocked when I told her that. Apparantly it's really bad for your hair. She told me to wash it once or twice I week. I can't do that! :eek: I'm going to carry on as I do :biggrin:
I love a bath of an evening, but have a shower every morn.
I'm too damn lazy. I'll wash later today, though.
i pretty much have a shower everyday used to wash my hair everyday now but when i straighten it i dont need to wash it so much yay!
Reply 17
I have a shower and wash my hair everyday. I like being clean :smile:
Reply 18
I have a shower sometime in the morning (depending on lateness of waking this could be after 1st lecture). Then if I'm going out in the evening or sometimes if I'm not, I get a shower at about 8pm. I wash my hair both times. I hate feeling dirty or smelly or cigaretty or unwashed!

Too bad my boyfriend isn't the same :frown:
Reply 19
wash when i need to.. ie when seeing girls... ive gone for 10days b4 washing but i was in northern india at the time... and was cooking on meths, and sleeping in a tent