The Student Room Group

broken bones bag the ladies

In my experience there is nothing like a broken bone to enhance ur pulling power.having seen this with other people i was sceptical as to its success.then i broke my ankle and leg last year, real nasty job and the attention i got was to know my girlfriend through it so at least something good came of it.

just want to know if any1 agrees with me??
They're a talking point, I suppose.
Reply 2
covered farm wa
They're a talking point, I suppose.

Precisely.. it's not as weird to say "ooh that looks painful, how'd you do that" as other opening lines.
Reply 3
F. Poste
Precisely.. it's not as weird to say "ooh that looks painful, how'd you do that" as other opening lines.

answer: fell onto the ground after a night of serious bashing on my computer... :redface:
Reply 4
depends on the bone...
Reply 5
Yep, I've broke my arms on many occasions (five in total) and it has always brought in the ladies
Reply 6
I broke my foot last summer and went into town one night. It was great! Loads of guys offering to help me and trying to chat to me :smile:
:rofl: @ the advert at the top of this page

I've never broken a bone or properly injured myself in any way. Uh oh... don't want to tempt fate :eek: It is a great conversation starter though. I'll always ask people what they did to end up in crutches/arm in a cast.
Reply 8
Hmm, well I'm laid up with broken foot right now.... where are the women?!!
never broken a bone so that might explain my lack of women lately :biggrin: might have to break my arm now or something :biggrin:
Reply 10
my break was a ankle and leg job wher the ankle joint had been smashed and displaced etc.had the added conversation starter of "ive got a metal plate in my leg, u wana see the scar".showing them a 4 inch scar done wonders for my sex appeal..........however i would have much rather had my leg in tact as i was on crutches for 5 months and couldnt capitalise properly on my new found attention!
I was going to go to New Zealand and jump in front of cars before, now I definitely should.
Reply 12
I was going to go to New Zealand and jump in front of cars before, now I definitely should.

You've already bagged a lady! :eek:
F. Poste
You've already bagged a lady! :eek:

I know, now to get her to marry me... :smile:
Reply 14
I know, now to get her to marry me... :smile:

Whoa! :biggrin:
F. Poste
Whoa! :biggrin:

I'm only 16. :frown:
Reply 16
I'm only 16. :frown:

Get married in Scotland then! :biggrin:
F. Poste
Get married in Scotland then! :biggrin:

My dad would kill me, I'll just wait. :biggrin: