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Reply 1
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I got my mocks in 2wks....i haven't strted studyin properly yet...but do mock grades count when appylin to A-levels and uni.'s?!? need to know othawise i'm in dire trouble..... :frown:

They might count internally when making A level choices, but universities wont care about them:smile:
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I got my mocks in 2wks....i haven't strted studyin properly yet...but do mock grades count when appylin to A-levels and uni.'s?!? need to know othawise i'm in dire trouble..... :frown:

ummm, i think they might contribute to A-level entry, only because you get your proper GCSE results back a week or two before A-levels start.
Mocks don't count. The teachers want you to do mocks so they can predict how well you can do in your exam. In addition, they can change their mind on entering you for the higher tier or something like that. No matter what you will still be entered in the exam.
Mocks don't count. The teachers want you to do mocks so they can predict how well you can do in your exam. In addition, they can change their mind on entering you for the higher tier or something like that. No matter what you will still be entered in the exam.

They do slightly count towards A-level choices. People dont get GCSE results back until a week or so before A-levels :redface:
They didn't really count for anything when I did them. As Trev said, they can be used to decide which tier you're entered for in the exam. I don't think they'll affect your AS choices unless you do really badly in any subjects you wanted to take (which I'm sure you won't :smile: ) and you definitely don't need them for universities.
Reply 6
Alhough they dont really count for anything, most teachers se them to advise which tier to enter you for, and to make a prediction on your grade. If you were to fall ill on the day of your exam your predicted grade [and coursework] would be used to give you a grade so it is worth giving them a shot.
They do slightly count towards A-level choices. People dont get GCSE results back until a week or so before A-levels :redface:

In our school, that doesn't happen. They will only count the real GCSE grades towards the A-level choices. In addition, I know that people don't get GCSE results back until a week or so before A-levels, nonetheless the people who are going to year 12 are suppose to come in one day and discuss about their options and stuff wheather if they are suitable to do that A-level course etc...
In our school, that doesn't happen. They will only count the real GCSE grades towards the A-level choices. In addition, I know that people don't get GCSE results back until a week or so before A-levels, nonetheless the people who are going to year 12 are suppose to come in one day and discuss about their options and stuff wheather if they are suitable to do that A-level course etc...

ahhh, your right. I was thinking solely of my friend who get rejected because he passed only 3 subjects after being predicted 10 passes... Stupid me for generalising!!
ahhh, your right. I was thinking solely of my friend who get rejected because he passed only 3 subjects after being predicted 10 passes... Stupid me for generalising!!

Did your friend get into the A-levels that he wanted to do?
Did your friend get into the A-levels that he wanted to do?

nope, he got stuck on a GNVQ course. Serves him right i say, i nearly failed by listening to him :mad:
nope, he got stuck on a GNVQ course. Serves him right i say, i nearly failed by listening to him :mad:

What advanced GNVQ is he doing now? What did he actually say to you? :confused:

I thought you need good GCSE grades to do GNVQ grades too...
What advanced GNVQ is he doing now? What did he actually say to you? :confused:

I thought you need good GCSE grades to do GNVQ grades too...

It was probably a GNVQ Intermediate, ie the equivalent of 4 GCSEs. That's what my school make people do if they get less than 4 A*-Cs. GNVQ Advanced doesn't exist anymore; it's now called AVCE,
It was probably a GNVQ Intermediate, ie the equivalent of 4 GCSEs. That's what my school make people do if they get less than 4 A*-Cs. GNVQ Advanced doesn't exist anymore; it's now called AVCE,

O yeah, you're right. I should have known that since I do an AVCE course. :redface:

Saiyamana said that his friend has finished GCSEs though. How could he do an GNVQ intermediate? :confused:

I think GNVQ intermediate should be equivalent to 5 GCSEs though, as 4 is kind of odd. In addition, the entry requirements to A-levels are 5 GCSEs anyway.
In our school, that doesn't happen. They will only count the real GCSE grades towards the A-level choices. In addition, I know that people don't get GCSE results back until a week or so before A-levels, nonetheless the people who are going to year 12 are suppose to come in one day and discuss about their options and stuff wheather if they are suitable to do that A-level course etc...

That was the same as my school. When we went in to collect our results, we also had to enrol in the sixth form. If you got the results you needed, you went in one line and just confirmed the subjects you wanted to do. If you didn't, you went in another line and discussed your options.
O yeah, you're right. I should have known that since I do an AVCE course. :redface:

Saiyamana said that his friend has finished GCSEs though. How could he do an GNVQ intermediate? :confused:

I think GNVQ intermediate should be equivalent to 5 GCSEs though, as 4 is kind of odd. In addition, the entry requirements to A-levels are 5 GCSEs anyway.

Lots of people do a GNVQ Intermediate after GCSEs. If they didn't get enough Cs and above, it's a way of getting them so they can go on to an advanced course. I think the number of GCSEs depends on the school/college and the number you want to take. At my school, some people need 6 (I did, I'm not sure why :confused: ), most need 5 and those who only want to take 3 subjects need 4. At my local FE college, everyone needs 4 no matter how many subjects they want to do.
That was the same as my school. When we went in to collect our results, we also had to enrol in the sixth form. If you got the results you needed, you went in one line and just confirmed the subjects you wanted to do. If you didn't, you went in another line and discussed your options.

In our school, people can do the A-levels although some got grade D's in some subjects that are required for that particular A-level course.

In addition, our school can decline anybody to carry onto sixth form if their results are bad. In this case, people would have to go to college instead. Sometimes the head of sixth form read the year 11 reports written by teachers and their predicted grade in their GCSE exams, to determine if they are worthy to carry onto sixth form. This is what my bro told me. He told me that 3 people are not going onto sixth form because of bad year 11 reports and predicted GCSE grades. I guess they will go to college instead.
Lots of people do a GNVQ Intermediate after GCSEs. If they didn't get enough Cs and above, it's a way of getting them so they can go on to an advanced course. I think the number of GCSEs depends on the school/college and the number you want to take. At my school, some people need 6 (I did, I'm not sure why :confused: ), most need 5 and those who only want to take 3 subjects need 4. At my local FE college, everyone needs 4 no matter how many subjects they want to do.

I always thought that GNVQ intermediate is like vGCSEs (vocational GCSEs) until you told me now I was wrong about this.

My school don't offer GNVQ intermediate. Instead they offer vGCSEs and AVCEs.

It's quite bad that the entry requirements can be any 5 GCSEs A*-C in any subjects. It should be 5 GCSEs including english and maths actually.
not too sure what he's taking now. Intermediate i think. Basically his policy prior to the exam was, 'i dont need to revise because i got C's in the mocks'. Big mistake pal!! he tried to distract me from revision and work (esp in lessons), i had to ignore him n not answer the phone/door for soo long! I'm partly glad tho, i aint the one doin GNVQ's!!
In our school, people can do the A-levels although some got grade D's in some subjects that are required for that particular A-level course.

In addition, our school can decline anybody to carry onto sixth form if their results are bad. In this case, people would have to go to college instead. Sometimes the head of sixth form read the year 11 reports written by teachers and their predicted grade in their GCSE exams, to determine if they are worthy to carry onto sixth form. This is what my bro told me. He told me that 3 people are not going onto sixth form because of bad year 11 reports and predicted GCSE grades. I guess they will go to college instead.

Quite a few people in my English lit class got Ds in GCSE English lit, even though technically the school says you need a C. My school lets everyone into sixth form :rolleyes: