What kind of games did you play at primary school? We were talking about this in class the other day and most of the games i used to play were only known by people who also went to my primary school so i wondered how common some of the games would be. We used to play games called:
Heads Down, Thumbs up Who stole my pencil? Kiss, Cuddle & Torture (a favourite of mine ) Whats the time Mr. Wolf? Red Letter Tickle Codes and Mother May I
Polo, stuck in the mud, bulldog, hopscotch, what's the time mr wolf, and my personal fave kiss chase!
Yep Yep! Thats Kiss cuddle and torture. What a genius game that was.
That game polo, was that like where someone was "up" and they said "names of...[something] e.g cars. And everyone would choose a type of car and then they would tell the person that was up and they would shout one of the types out and whoever had chosen that type had to kind of race the person that was up by running up to the wall, touching it and shouting "Polo!" and then running back down to everyone else and doing the same. If it is then we called that Polio.