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Reply 1
Muscles are eww; you'd feel like you could pop them or something. A little flab is always good..anything but too much plastic looking CRAP.
Reply 2
I thought you meant beer when you posted "6 pack"
Reply 3
I thought you meant beer when you posted "6 pack"

he's romanian :smile:
Reply 4
what the hell is this doing in D +D?

it's being subjected to debate and discussion?
Reply 5
what the hell is this doing in D +D?

It's a debate subject
i think i little muscle on the belly is nice - but a full on six pack is not really my cup of tea. I think a nice toned tummy is sexy :smile:
Reply 7
he's romanian :smile:

Reply 8

:redface: :redface:
Reply 9
I don't want to be able to se a six pack all the time, but it is nice to see when tensed.
I dunno, as long as there isn't more flab then I have then it's all cool.
Mmm. Muscle! Well, not too much muscle. That's yuck. Toned is good. I have this weird obsession with arm muscle... :redface: Mmm!
I'd prefer to have a six pack. :smile:
six packs are overrated; I don't want to be with someone who puts my body to shame ;_;

I don't think many guys particularly like six packs on girls :|
Reply 13
There are more important features...
Reply 14
That's why sixpacks are the muscles of the devil.

I'm not advocating fatties, but I do like a little bit of podge, and not a man of steel ;_;

Or a woman of steel, for that matter.

Listen to *this* girl right here.

Edit: Chris i'm winning. Random moment of bragging, sorry.
Reply 15

Edit: Chris i'm winning. Random moment of bragging, sorry.

Just one ahead! That's not winning, that's just a moment of uncertainty!

If you were to choose between a guy well built that likes you a lot and a guy with a belly that likes you a lot and both have exactly the same personality traits, would you choose the belly?
Reply 16
Just one ahead! That's not winning, that's just a moment of uncertainty!

If you were to choose between a guy well built that likes you a lot and a guy with a belly that likes you a lot and both have exactly the same personality traits, would you choose the belly?

depends on how big the belly is and what is defined by 'well built'' :P
Reply 17
I like a real man-someone who could protect you and that has some guts-roooar!!
i got a bit of flab since i put on 2.5 stone...:smile: you know what i dont like..i just lie to be slim, dont care bout six pack...woudl like broader shoulders htough
Reply 19
I thought you meant beer when you posted "6 pack"

Enough beer, and everyone has a 6-pack. *winks*