The Student Room Group
Reply 1

:redface: Nooo....
im wondering if its true that the cause of a spanking fetish is the fact that their parent spanked them as a child.
so honestly were you spanked? and do u have a fetish for it now?

don't delete this since i really wanna know!

1. Yes

2. Simon says No
Reply 3
And No fetish here.
Hmmm, I was hit sometimes, but not really spanked.

Have a slight fetish for it, prefer a lot of other things though.
Reply 5
thanks for being honest :smile: i'l admit im yes and yes :redface: thats why im concerned
Reply 6
This is a dodgey thread. I have a bit of a thing for spanking but I wasn't really hit that much as a child
Reply 8
Only if it's with a wet fish on a cold winter's morning.
Reply 9
I wasn't spanked.

And I want a whip!
Reply 10
I can't believe people hit their children, it's fundamentally sick.

I do however have a bit of a thing for being spanked
Reply 11
Only if I threatened to burn the house down or something equally as bad.

...and yes :redface: it would be rather nice...