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me and my boyfriend just celebrated our 1 year, we both have jobs as well as school/uni but we've both been a bit skint so opted for a home-cooked meal n breakfast in bed rather than presents...after all it is valentines day soon haha!

congrats xxx
A watch?
don't get him anything, just do something couply, go for a meal or summat. save the gifts for birthdays and christmasses or you're both goin to be skint splashing out three times a year!

or get him something small and menaingful.
Reply 4
Whats his fav alcohol? Thats always a good one :yep: + other stuff too..
Reply 5
Something that means something to both of you, like go back to where you went on your first date, or go to your nearest city and book a room in a hotel and spend the night there...thats fun :smile:
Don't buy him something, the one year mark is the bloke's job to splash out for!
Reply 7
Thank you :]] we will probs go for a meal, and il get him a nice picture of us for his room or something.
How about doing something personal like creating a scrapbook of everything you and him. Ie photos, tickets and silly little memories. It is cute, romantic, says I love you and cheap.
Reply 9
Play it cool and get him **** all.
Let him put it where he wants
Reply 11
A watch?

You can't get anything particularly nice for £50. Maybe a nice set of cufflinks? Every bloke needs a nice pair :yep:
Reply 12
you could make something...or bake a cake!
Thank you :]] we will probs go for a meal, and il get him a nice picture of us for his room or something.

sweet :smile: I got a framed photo for my bf for our year or two year can't remember, and he did same without knowing lol. it's nicer to spend time together than spend loadsa cash moneys
For our first anniversary, I did my boyfriend a photo album of us and he got me a cute little hand-painted mug that said "I love you" on one side, and the day we got together on the other.

Don't go all out with anything too expensive, just do the little things and spend some quality time together :smile:.
don't get him anything, just do something couply, go for a meal or summat. save the gifts for birthdays and christmasses or you're both goin to be skint splashing out three times a year!

or get him something small and menaingful.

I agree. I just made my bf a little scrapbook with photos and stuff in. He liked that a lot - it's so personal.
Reply 16
Yeahhhh ! :] or ill write him a letter or something thank you for all the replies :]
Reply 17
Get your most attractive female friend, and have a threesome.
Reply 18
Make him something. For my ex, I made him a mini bookshelf. It's a small box with 4 books in it. The spine of the books read: "History," "Naussica," "X-files," and "Friends". Books - because he loves books. History, because he loves history. Naussica, because that was the first anime film he'd watched with me and he hates anime and only watched it for me. X-Files cus at the time he was obsessed with it. Friends, because we watched Friends continuously for a while and had plenty of fun together.

Within each "book" was a little pull-out letter, with me thanking him and saying lovey-dovey things, and on one side would be a little picture that I'd drawn, illustrating one in-joke or a cute name that we called each other. On some of the pages I'd even created small 3D models of a sword etc (cus he likes swords).

On the box-shelf, I'd stuck a paper rose, and a card on the back writing "Happy One Year Anniversary!"

What did he get me?

He forgot.

But there you go.
Reply 19
Get him a dremmel.
He'll love you for that.
I don't know how I coped without one t'ill now.