The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
i dont drive..
i dont drive..

Reply 3
I use my mum's citroen ax echo. fantastic little car :biggrin: brings a tear to the eye every time i see one.
Mine is a 1.2 Fiat Punto Active Sport, 03 plate.
Reply 5
Fiesta Silver Edition 53 reg
Reply 6
havent got one yet! although i might get a ford Ka or Ford street or nissan micra twister (probaly not)
Reply 7
The 77a to Wandsworth
Dont currently have one, but have got a license. If i can get enough money by the summer, id get either a Ford KA or VW Polo/Golf.
Reply 9
You talking to me?
Reply 10
Renalt megane. It's my mothers and it's absolutely huge (I'm used to a tiny corsa from lessons before)
Not sure which I'm now insured on, it might have changed, I can drive either the megane or rover thing.
Reply 11

is my driving instructors car and my mums which is useful
Bmw Z4
Reply 13
Nissan Primera Sri
If you’re against cars go ride the bus you hippy.

The 77a to Wandsworth

El Pollo Diablo
citroen ax. fantastic little car :biggrin: brings a tear to the eye every time i see one.

:dito: :biggrin:
Reply 16
john williams
Dont currently have one, but have got a license. If i can get enough money by the summer, id get either a Ford KA or VW Polo/Golf.

same here :smile:
Reply 17
A really blue Ka style except me and boyf are looking at getting a focus before my grandad gets to ill to let us use his discount.....

bit evil I know...
Reply 18
'96 Toyota camry sedan. Used to be my grandmother's.
Reply 19
i have a licence but no car.

i'd like a car that goes basically and doesnt make me look like a complete numpty. ie, not a lada or pink micra etc.