The Student Room Group

To eat or not to eat

I think this goes here as it affects/effects (I am a bad speller) health.

I have not eaten junk food for 11 days now. Considering the other members of my family eat many items of junk food a day, this is a great thing.

My sister came home yesterday with cake and biscuits from a fair. They look really yummy, and I don't know if i should eat it or not.

CON( not to eat): I have come so far without eating junk food, and if I eat it now, I will have to start over again.
People will think I am weak, for giving into the temptation.
PRO(to eat): Think of all the starving people who have never had junk food, I should eat the junk food so it doesn't go to waste.
It is only a little bit of junk food I want to eat.
I will have to eat junk food again one day, so I should start now.

I don't know what to do. I think if I eat the food, I will become fat and mutated(from all the chemicals). I feel so much better after haveing no junk food for 11 days.

what do you think? Should I or shouldn't I?

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Reply 1
Ask your best friend in these exact words "am i fat?" If the answer ranges from chubby to insanely obese then nope! If anything else then do it! It's human nature to give into temptation :biggrin:
Reply 2
Ask your best friend in these exact words "am i fat?" If the answer ranges from chubby to insanely obese then nope! If anything else then do it! It's human nature to give into temptation :biggrin:

I have asked my sister 'am i fat' she says no. my friend says 'is that all you have for recess, you need some fat on you'. I am not anorexic or anything. I am just affraid that if i eat junk food again, I will get addicted to it( like i once was) and get fat
I am still confused ( looks at cake and biscuits on kitchen bench)
I think it would be OK to have a biscuit. It depends whether you find that sort of things addictive though... I don't eat junk food very often, because I find it kind of addictive. I had some pixie stix the other day, and I thought I would just eat one, and give the rest to my flatmates, but then I went arghhh sugar and ate fourteen of them. And then craved sugar for a while longer. Strange how vegetables aren't so addictive though...
Reply 4
Maybe everyone is just as confused as me
Reply 5
covered farm wa
I think it would be OK to have a biscuit. It depends whether you find that sort of things addictive though... I don't eat junk food very often, because I find it kind of addictive. I had some pixie stix the other day, and I thought I would just eat one, and give the rest to my flatmates, but then I went arghhh sugar and ate fourteen of them. And then craved sugar for a while longer. Strange how vegetables aren't so addictive though...

The best thing to do with pixie stix is give them to your parrot

Aww, super cute! I want one! Parrot was in my top two of a list I made of pets I want when I have a house. Tortoise was also on the list.
Reply 7
My parrot is cute most of the time. However, he isn't when he steals your food and throws it across the room, or tries to feed you his food. And him kissing you after he's eaten garlic is pretty bad too
Aww, even those things sound cute! But maybe would be less cute after a while.
Reply 9

- You only live once.
- There aren't many pleasures in life.
- Your metabolism works well when you're young. Make the most of it.
- Junk food can be healthy.
- You could eat junk food and go jogging afterwards.
- You could be killed in a few years... enjoy the present.
Reply 10
Eat 1 biscuit or 1 small slice of cake.. It'll be a good compromise as you'll be restraining yourself yet not denying yourself :biggrin:
Reply 11

PRO(to eat): Think of all the starving people who have never had junk food, I should eat the junk food so it doesn't go to waste.

I've never quite understood this argument. It's not like your eating or not eating the food affects them one bit, unless perhaps you arrange to telephone a starving person immediately after finishing a particularly satisfying meal in order to tell them that you finished every last scrap and they ought to be jolly glad that you did.

If you can go without junk food it's obviously better for you, although there's no point becoming some sort of hysterical food ascetic about it.
I think this goes here as it affects/effects (I am a bad speller) health.

I have not eaten junk food for 11 days now. Considering the other members of my family eat many items of junk food a day, this is a great thing.

My sister came home yesterday with cake and biscuits from a fair. They look really yummy, and I don't know if i should eat it or not.

CON( not to eat): I have come so far without eating junk food, and if I eat it now, I will have to start over again.
People will think I am weak, for giving into the temptation.
PRO(to eat): Think of all the starving people who have never had junk food, I should eat the junk food so it doesn't go to waste.
It is only a little bit of junk food I want to eat.
I will have to eat junk food again one day, so I should start now.

I don't know what to do. I think if I eat the food, I will become fat and mutated(from all the chemicals). I feel so much better after haveing no junk food for 11 days.

what do you think? Should I or shouldn't I?
Galad, looks like you and I are on the same path here :biggrin:

I'm trying detox myself from the weekend I've (pretty much over where we live, hey) just had :redface: Lol, tho to make it easier on yourself, why not try 'healthier' junk food? Of the natural variety.

You can get some great tasting low-fat popcorn these days for examples, and I can't get enough of smoothies (mmm Boost Juice!) :p:

Also important to drink lots of water, too,

Luv DB_x
Reply 13
only live once. wot the point in denying urself the pleasures of life
Reply 14
F. Poste
Eat 1 biscuit or 1 small slice of cake.. It'll be a good compromise as you'll be restraining yourself yet not denying yourself :biggrin:
I fully agree with this. You shouldn't stop eating junk food altogether because you'll find that as time goes on, you'll keep thinking about it until it becomes an obsession. Eating junk food in small or moderate amounts does no harm as long as you eat enough proper food and exercise.
Reply 15
Don't be such a greasy minger and eat healthily. I absolutely despise junk food, it tastes like s*it, makes you look like s*it and makes you feel like s*it. It's an absolute disaster for your skin, not to mention that being seen with a hamburger and fries is unglamourous. I try to eat healthily all the time, and would always refuse anything that is fried. I don't eat crisps, chocolate, sweets - all of which I regard as junk.

Errrrrrrrrrrr...... wanting to eat a biscuit or a slice of cake hardly makes you a "greasy minger".

Shall I give you a round of applause for your brilliant eating habits? :rolleyes:
Reply 16
When I wrote "greasy minger" I was referring to fast food, such as burgers/chips n s*it, not the odd slice of cake or biscuit (although they are a no no aswell).

Who the hell were you preaching to then? No-one has talked about eating lots of fast food..
Reply 17
Any fast food is bad. Theres no need for it.

Killing people is bad. Don't do it.

Get my point?
Reply 18
Well yeah, but you've just completely changed the subject, admit it, your point is flawed and mine stands exalted :smile: I bet if I asked several top nutritionists they'd all agree with me.

My point is that you're not talking about the point, and I am correct, therefore my point is certainly not flawed. I'm not talking about nutrition. So no, you don't get my point.
there is nothing wrong with a bit of chocolate from time to time as long as it's moderation- that's the tricky bit. (unless you're over weight, then it would be a good idea to lay off them a bit lol)
Just concentrate on how much fruit or veggy you have a day which should be at least 5 pieces- not eating any sweets is just half the batte :smile: