The Student Room Group


how long to love bites take to go away? i'm really embarassed came back from a party then found a really prominent one the next morning! i'm running out of high necked tops, thanks peacenik
Reply 1
how long to love bites take to go away? i'm really embarassed came back from a party then found a really prominent one the next morning! i'm running out of high necked tops, thanks peacenik

they dont leave, they will stay forever :eek:
Reply 2
3 weeks minimum
Reply 3
how long to love bites take to go away? i'm really embarassed came back from a party then found a really prominent one the next morning! i'm running out of high necked tops, thanks peacenik

Just over a week, depends how big and dark it was to start with
Reply 4
should go in about a week ... unless its a dark red-brown shade, those take longer.

:rolleyes: - hope urs will go away b4 school starts hun :biggrin:
Reply 5
how long to love bites take to go away? i'm really embarassed came back from a party then found a really prominent one the next morning! i'm running out of high necked tops, thanks peacenik

just use some concealer and wear your hair down!
Reply 6
about 2 weeks
should go in about a week ... unless its a dark red-brown shade, those take longer.

:rolleyes: - hope urs will go away b4 school starts hun :biggrin:

thanks to the sophistication of modern mom never noticed under the 10 layers of cover foundation. :rolleyes:
Reply 8
About 2-4 days. Toothpaste is supposed to help it go away faster.
Reply 10
Just let it show! It's fine! People will take the piss but at least they'll know that you are a hottie who everyone wants to give love-bites to! (am i the only person who uses that phrase as opposed to the american "hickey"?)
Just let it show! It's fine! People will take the piss but at least they'll know that you are a hottie who everyone wants to give love-bites to! (am i the only person who uses that phrase as opposed to the american "hickey"?)

We call them nookies.
Reply 12
We call them nookies.

lol really?! "nookies" nope it just doesn't sound right... makes me think of an old granny for some reason... she's scottish
Reply 13
lol really?! "nookies" nope it just doesn't sound right... makes me think of an old granny for some reason... she's scottish

sounds more like a nickname george bush would give to nuclear weapons.
lol really?! "nookies" nope it just doesn't sound right... makes me think of an old granny for some reason... she's scottish

lol sounds normal to me. :confused:
Reply 15
lol sounds normal to me. :confused:

lol just noticed you are from scotland so that's probably why you have messed up names for stuff... you scots always do!
lol just noticed you are from scotland so that's probably why you have messed up names for stuff... you scots always do!

Heh, we don't really. Some of the names for things are quite logical when you think about it.