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Steps, they were so much less fake than S Club 7 imo.
S Club 7, hands down.

Though both were absolutely awful :p:
S Club! *There ain't no party like an S Club party*
Reply 4
Steps are the best!!!! :awesome:
Reply 5
Steps saw them twice! ;]
Reply 6
Steps :smile:
S Club as Rachel Stevens use to go to my Secondary School :awesome:
Reply 8
'S Club gonna take you high' :biggrin:
Reply 9
S Club were ace. And they had a TV programme set in LA. Steps were never that jammy :wink:
Also Jo from S Club was hawt. To my 10 year old self anyway :p:
Reply 10
S Club 7- I liked the tv show...:rolleyes:
Reply 11
TRAGEDY! :dance:

I really should be holding youuuuu. LURVING YOUUU. :love:
I do admit that 'tragedy' by Steps is the musical equivalent of the sistine chapel in art, pure ******* brilliance.
Reply 13
Aww, I thought they were gonna be in a fight :frown:
Reply 14
If I had to pick one, it would be S Club. That steps song called 'tragedy' was horrificly bad.
Reply 15
There ain't no party like an s club party.. :party: :wink:
Reply 16
A bit of S Club. I remember dancing to this in Year 4. :cry:

Reply 17
Reply 18
Steps were original, 's club 7' were better as these things go and their music plays better today but I remember Steps songs.
S Club 7 definetly. Hannah Spearitt went to my school. :biggrin: