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What are they for? As in weight loss/gain.
Reply 2
Does anyone use protein shakes here? Are they good and what should i keep my eyes out for?


they taste like ***** but u'll get use to it, whey protein is the best if you want to bulk up. dont take too much cos u'll end up gettin a itchy ass!! if ur on a tight budget u can get a few months supply for around ÂŁ30-ÂŁ40, i can give you a few sites if u want mate
Reply 3
hmm my partner (sailing not romantic) friend had one once (we had a national in like 2 months) and he said tasted like poo, and u have to do work afterwards or u just put on wieght (not muscle)... i do like my brackets 2day
Okay buddy.

I used these suppliments for about 2 years. Creatine, Glutamine, and Whey Protein.

Im not going to pretty this up. It tastes like sh*t, I mean I really liked vanilla before I used vanilla suppliments, and now the smell makes me feel sick. I still can't think about the colour and flavour and smell without feeling sick.

It is very expensive to keep up a program, especially those recomended by the company, and even more so if you follow a bodybuilding program. It takes will power to take these supps, serious will power. You need to want your goals more then you value the experiance of living the next 15 minutes in pleasantry, because the taste will stay in your mouth for ages and you will feel bloated and uncomfortable.

They work, they definetly work. I put on roughly 2 stone in muscle due to suppliment program. But it cost me alot of money, and I dreaded taking the supps, literally felt sick at the thought of it.

After a while, I quit boxing, and had no real need to take them. I lost some weight, but with the correct diet, I am bigger then I was, stronger and eating is pleasant rather then something I had to do. I would say to you is to spend the money on chicken, milk and pasta. But that is my opinion, and I am sure plenty of people have found the taste pleasant and addictive, just like they say on the advert.

The supps I used were, maximuscle, and LA Fitness.
they taste like ***** but u'll get use to it, whey protein is the best if you want to bulk up. dont take too much cos u'll end up gettin a itchy ass!! if ur on a tight budget u can get a few months supply for around ÂŁ30-ÂŁ40, i can give you a few sites if u want mate

Right this may come across as a confusing post. I need something as a fillup rather than all the rubbish i have inbetween - something that gives me the "filledup" feeling - i resort to eating so many bits and pieces during a day and really doesnt do the job.

Im not a bodybuilder wannabe and don't really want to put on muscle, but perhaps put on a bit on my stomach and then define it so its flat - its flat now but probably a bit too "thin-flat". Its to get the filledup feeling but for most of the time.

I weight 11st, 5ft 10.
dont be stupid there is no need for you to take these supps... they are for athletes who need to suppliment there already protein rich well balanced meals with further doses of protein, in order to build lean mass, not for people who cant cook or to eat properly.
Well not just for the fill up but it would also help with my tennis - i do a fair bit of running too, but for tennis it would be very useful, but really i don't think theres anything wrong - i want to put more weight on my stomach but can't even when eating good foods.

I do eat well and cook properly, just can't put on weight. I also do a fair bit of running and this doesnt help with me gaining any weight. I would like to have both.
You have a high calorie requirement. So you increase your bodymass by consuming more calories then you use.

Yes you can put weight on through eating, but it will be fat. Unless you resistence train you will not put this weight on in muscle. If you take these supps, if you put any weight on at all, it will be fat.

If you want to gain weight, STOP RUNNING, be lazy, and eat more carb and protein rich food. You will put weight on. In fat. If you want muscle go to the gym, and then take the supps aswell as a protein rich diet.

You DO NOT want to take this supps unless you have to.
Reply 9
just increase the amount of lean meat and vegetables in your diet.
Reply 10
dont be stupid there is no need for you to take these supps... they are for athletes who need to suppliment there already protein rich well balanced meals with further doses of protein, in order to build lean mass, not for people who cant cook or to eat properly.

Completely agree with this, protein shakes arent for losing weight.

If you want to stop eating **** between meals it takes will power, if you cant stop eating for a few hours between meals then you need to think long and hard about whether you really want to achieve your goals enough?
Reply 11
Some of the protien drinks you can find out there are good. in fact, vanilla ones are the best. They are used by people who wish to increase their muscle mass.
Reply 12
Some of the protien drinks you can find out there are good. in fact, vanilla ones are the best. They are used by people who wish to increase their muscle mass.

Taste is subjective, and anyone can buy protein.
Precisely, I wouldn't recomend buying the protein your favourite flavour, because chances are by the time you finish the tub, you will never want to eat it again.

*Remembers how much he used to like vanilla* lol
From experience, it seems that a lot of homosexual people, obsessed with their looks, take protein supplements.
From experience, it seems that a lot of homosexual people, obsessed with their looks, take protein supplements.

Thats ridiculous. Wanting to look good ceased being a stereotypically gay thing at the end of the 90s.
Thats ridiculous. Wanting to look good ceased being a stereotypically gay thing at the end of the 90s.

I never said that people that take protein shakes are gay. I just said that a lot of homosexual people seem to take them.

Homosexual people are at the forefront when it comes to worrying about looks though, even if you're not gay if you try to look good.

As for protein shakes making you look good, I've seen the effects on people around me and you can clearly see when a guy's taken excessive amount of protein supplements but some girls seem to like it anyway. It's hard to make the excess mass look like natural muscle. A lot of the guys I know seem to be a bit malformed to be honest.

Then again some girls like guys who mutilate their fingers, and cut their tongue in two.
I think you are confussing protein powder with steroids, or hormones.

Protein supplements help everyone from underwear models to boxers... and it takes years and years of ball breaking training like a bodybuilder to get anywear near looking unnatural. And often hormones and steroids.
Ok I'll take your advice - i will cut down on the running, and will cut down on the rubbish, a bit of will power but if i fill my bowl with fruit to replace it then maybe something will come of it. I know i can't expect to put on weight with the click of a finger, but yes you're right. Will have to sort out my times to eat as last two weeks my eating regime has been very messy.

Thanks for the guidance.
Also with that homosexual comment, i thought that was a bit of an out of place post myself. If you're implying that the initial poster (me) is gay, then you are mistaken!
Quite a spontaneous post that made me laugh a little. Personally im not looks-obsessed - im quite a messy hippy with it comes to looks and clothes, but its a bit harsh saying what you have. Its a pity that ppl have the view that men shouldnt care for their bodies and health that much because its feminine - do whatever they like with them, but yes you sometimes draw the line thinking "these people spend so long in ther bathroom......."