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Reply 1
It varies. Know how to do them all.
Reply 2
but do they not have a list of certain maneuvers that they can ask from?
Reply 3
Spesh the title asks.....

Re: Driving Practical Exam in Barking....what kind of maneuvers can i expect to be asked?

I doubt you'll get many questions about canine vocalizations.
Reply 4
lol, barking is a place in east london...
but do they not have a list of certain maneuvers that they can ask from?

- Turn in the road
- Emergency stop
- Parralel Park
- Bay parking or;
- Left hand reverse, they normally do 3 I think :s-smilie:
Reply 6
Parallel park, turn in the road, reverse round corner and bay park are the usual ones but sometimes bay park isn't used (if the test centr doesn't have its own car park).
Reply 7
and which in ur opinions is the harderst?
Reply 8
and....du u think sweet-talking the examiner myt make them go easy on you and not mark u too harshly....
Reply 9
Parallel park is the hardest, especially the way they do it in the test as you aren't parking in between 2 cars, makes it harder to judge where you are.

My examiner loved me. He must've done. I bumped the curb on my turn in the road, MOUNTED the curb on my reverse around the corner (I just said "I am going to pull forward and do it again" ) and turned the wheel the wrong way on my turn in the road.

Also went over the give way lines on one of those "give way to oncoming cars/priority over oncoming vehicle" signs... mmmm and he stopped me on this HUGE hill, pulled the handbrake up as hard as I could, it rolled. Pulled it up some more. Rolled. Got it on a high enough ratchett eventually.

Reply 10
say there's a lot of traffic on the road while you're having your test and 40 mins just goes with you waiting in traffic, can the examiner make u drive foo extra time? or will they hav to judge u based on that 40 mins only?
and....du u think sweet-talking the examiner myt make them go easy on you and not mark u too harshly....

I think it is always good to have a talk with the examiner, helps them judge how confident you are and also helps you to stop being nervous because you kind of get to know them.

How ever if you still make a serious mistake they are not going to ignore it just because you were nice to them

Also there is a motoring forum, use it.
Reply 12
say there's a lot of traffic on the road while you're having your test and 40 mins just goes with you waiting in traffic, can the examiner make u drive foo extra time? or will they hav to judge u based on that 40 mins only?

Unless it's ridiculous, like you don't move the whole test, they'll just judge on what you've done. As for manoeuvres, you can be asked to do any from: parallel park, bay park, turn in the road and reverse round a corner. Generally it's 2 of them, and it won't be both parking ones. You can also be asked to do emergency stop which they do in 1 of 3 tests but that's very easy - not really a manoeuvre.

Where I did my test they do parallel park far more often than bay park but I'm not sure if it's the same everywhere.
Reply 13
Parallel park is the hardest, especially the way they do it in the test as you aren't parking in between 2 cars, makes it harder to judge where you are.

My examiner loved me. He must've done. I bumped the curb on my turn in the road, MOUNTED the curb on my reverse around the corner (I just said "I am going to pull forward and do it again" ) and turned the wheel the wrong way on my turn in the road.

Also went over the give way lines on one of those "give way to oncoming cars/priority over oncoming vehicle" signs... mmmm and he stopped me on this HUGE hill, pulled the handbrake up as hard as I could, it rolled. Pulled it up some more. Rolled. Got it on a high enough ratchett eventually.


You mounted the curb and passed your test?!?!?

Jammy Bugger.
say there's a lot of traffic on the road while you're having your test and 40 mins just goes with you waiting in traffic, can the examiner make u drive foo extra time? or will they hav to judge u based on that 40 mins only?

No. They must see all the maneuvers, the test is supposed to last "about" 40mins. Unless there is an unexpected accident, if they know there is traffic they won't take you round there.
and....du u think sweet-talking the examiner myt make them go easy on you and not mark u too harshly....

or more likely result in termination of the test and a trip to the cells ...
Reply 16
If you've had driving lessons then your instructor should have taken you around the area..mine did..she made me practise the corners for reversing etc that are likely to come up on the test routes.
Don't forget that you might have to do an emergency stop..safely lol so practise that.
You mounted the curb and passed your test?!?!?

Jammy Bugger.

if it was on a dropped curb you might get away with it ... ditto for 'touching' the curb on a turn in the road ( using the full width of the road ...)
Reply 18
or more likely result in termination of the test and a trip to the cells ...

lol :p:
Reply 19
some of the responses...
They make you do 2 manoeuvres out of 3 - Turn in the road, reverse around the corner, or parking. (They will only ever ask you to do one of the parking ones in your test - so you can't get parallel parking and bay parking)
They make you do an emergency stop if it is safe to do so - so if you are taking your test at a busy time the chances are you won't do it. If you're doing it during the middle of the day, and the test centre you are at doesn't have a car park, you most likly won't have to bay park, because Car parks are generally full. Same with reversing around the corner - if it's a busy area with lots of parked cars on the road, you probably will get parallel parking rather than reverse around the corner unless by chance there happens to be a corner in a suitable location which has enough space to do it. They can make you park between 2 cars for parallel parking or just behind one car. On my test I had to do it in a ridiculously small space :frown:.