The Student Room Group

PGCE/SCITT question Bank

I have just receieved a place on a secondary Pe scitt course and whilst preparing for my interview i found this site to be a good resource so i thought i would give a little bit back by typing up all the questions i had anticipated being asked.
These are questions i had at interview, other people i know have had and some i found on the internet. Everyone feel free to add and hopefully this will turn into a good resource. I won't write my answered to the questions (as it would take forever) but if anyone is having problems thinking of an answer im always willing to help out.

1. How relevant is your degree?
2. why do you want to teach?
3. why should we choose you?
4. What do you do in your leisure time?
5. What key stage are you most interested in and why?
6. Why do you enjoy working with children?
7. How would you cope with stress?
8. Why secondary and not primary?
9. how would you manage students with different abilities?
10. what are learning styles?
11. How do you handle criticism?
12. What would you do if a child refuses to participate?
13. Name 3 qualities in yourself that would be valuable for teaching?
14. Who was your favourite teacher and why?
15. What is crativity?
16. What do you enjoy most about your degree and why?
17. What do you think will be the hardest part about teaching?
18. What are some current strategies in schools / your subject
19. Can you name some current issues in schools?
20. How would you approach teaching a difficult concept?
21. What improvements would you like to see made in schools?
22. What is your opinion on the current state of the education system?
23. What are the benefits of exercise?
24. When have you had to use your initiative and how?
25. What are the ingredients of a good lesson
26. How can you use I.C.T in PE?
27. What are your strengths in PE?
28. Tell me about your coaching/teaching experience to date
29. What would you do to help less able/motivated pupils?
30. What would you do if you didn't get on with your mentor?
Reply 1
Here's a 54 page thread on the same topic on the TES forums:

At my primary PGCE interview:
"Why do you want to be a teacher?"
"Seeing as though we have to reject very good candidates because of the limited number of places, why should we give you a place over someone else?"
"What experience have you had?"
"How would I make maths interesting?"
"Talk about any topical issue you think is relevant."

In the group interview:
"What changes have you seen in literacy since you were at school?"
"Have you had any experience of field trips, and what do you feel about them?"
"How have you seen the interactive whiteboard used effectively in lessons?"
I also got asked about inclusion in my interview - how you would incorporate it into the lesson

And also, what do you think about the role of a TA in the classroom?
Reply 3
I am a mother of two children, one of them is a special child who has just stated to go to school. My second one is just 9 months old. I wand to start my teacher training course next year and I am planing to do SCITT. Can you please guide me how to apply and how to find the training providers in my area and best tips to prepare my personal statement and funding as well. In short good advice for everything. As I have been sitting home from last 6 years so I don't know from where to start.
Reply 4
Original post by uffaq
I am a mother of two children, one of them is a special child who has just stated to go to school. My second one is just 9 months old. I wand to start my teacher training course next year and I am planing to do SCITT. Can you please guide me how to apply and how to find the training providers in my area and best tips to prepare my personal statement and funding as well. In short good advice for everything. As I have been sitting home from last 6 years so I don't know from where to start.

This thread is 4 years old so I doubt you'll get any replies.
Firstly, you will need a degree to teach. If you have one, great, if not, you need to get one. Secondly, you need to decide if you want to teach primary or secondary. Thirdly, you will need experience of a classroom setting. This could be you having worked as a teaching assistant or volunteered in a school. You need at least a week (for secondary) and at least two weeks (for primary).
Look at the UCAS teacher training portal, that is how you will apply for SCITTs, PGCEs and Schools Direct (all training programmes for teachers). Applications open on November 1st. Google is your friend, type in your location and SCITT and go from there. You will get student finance for funding, that shouldn't be your main concern as you have a long time to apply for that yet. The main aspects of your personal statement should include WHY you want to be a teacher, how your degree relates to what you'll be teaching (primary curriculum if you're applying for primary or the secondary subject you're apply to teach for) and what you learnt from your experiences in school (observations of a teacher workload, good techniques, pupil behaviour/learning etc).
Reply 5
Thanks a lot for your reply.I am working on my personal statement at the moment.hopeful I will apply after 21st November this year.The biggest problem for me is to find the nearest school around my home which is offering placement.If you can help me on that then i will really appreciate that.
Thanks again.
Reply 6
Original post by uffaq
Thanks a lot for your reply.I am working on my personal statement at the moment.hopeful I will apply after 21st November this year.The biggest problem for me is to find the nearest school around my home which is offering placement.If you can help me on that then i will really appreciate that.
Thanks again.

You just need to contact the schools and ask them whether they'd be willing to let you help out.
Hey, I have my SCITT interview next Friday and this has been really helpful! Just wondering what you answered to number 19 about the current issues in schools and number 30 about potentially not getting on with your mentor. Thanks!