The Student Room Group

Birmingham or Nottingham?

Now I have visited both and know quite a bit about both but just can't seperate the 2.

Both campus which is what i wanted and both with vey good reputations, I feel Birmingham as a city offers me more but the chance to study at Nottingham, with its great site and excellent rating as a uni is something i find hard to turn down.

I reckon the most important question i need answering is, does Birmingham have more to offer as a city than Nottingham? I get a cold feeling from Notts as a place, a lack of character which i wonder if anyone else has felt? Maybe i was just there on a miserable day lol

Any feedback or opinions in any way would be great, not just to the above question. Please don't just name the uni though, give ur reason. Cheers guys :smile:
For your course, I'd say Birmingham... Excellent reputation...
Reply 2
What subject are you going to study?
Reply 3
Not really much to seperate the two tbh. Nottingham is slightly better, but not enough to be a deciding factor. Only you can make the decision and if you prefer the city of Birmingham then it's an obvious choice?
I've never been to Notts but i'm currently at Birmingham and really like it.
The nightlife's great - something for everyone and if you get accommodation around the Selly Oak area it's great.
Good shopping aswell and good transport! :smile:
Pm me if you have any q's about Brum!
I do find Nottingham to be a bit cold-feeling in the centre, but I do love it here, and the area around the university feels very friendly and homely, seeing as it's not bang in the middle of the city.

Though I haven't been to Birmingham, so I wouldn't know the difference, but Birmingham's bigger, so I'd suppose if anything it would feel less friendly..

Nice course choice, by the way!
Reply 6
What subject are you going to study?

Social Policy, possibly with Politics at Birmingham but for the sake of this i will focus on the single honours, i might not get on the joint. It's all in the sig :P
Reply 7
Social Policy, possibly with Politics at Birmingham but for the sake of this i will focus on the single honours, i might not get on the joint. It's all in the sig :P

Well I've applied for Drama at Birmingham :P
I'll tell ya what I thought of the uni;
really pretty campus
lots of stuff to do-SU very active(however my friend goes there and has said that it's not as good as it makes out to be!!)
Good care for students
Good city :P
train on campus=woop!!

I dont want to be judgemental- but I found it a tad pompous; particuarly for the course I attended, pressure as very academic environment
not very homey? all a bit intense

Best advice I've got; go for the course not the su- unis are likely to have simmilar activities and events going on

Ha! I dunno if this has helped at all but happy uni choosing :biggrin:
Reply 8
I grew up for nearly 19 years in Nottingham before moving to Birmingham for uni (where I've been for 2.5 years now) and I far prefer Birmingham.

I know I lived there far longer than you'd be at uni for but I just got bored of Nottingham. There's FAR more to do in Birmingham, and get involved in. I can't compare nightlife as I'm not really into that but as far as things to fill your spare time with, Birmingham definitely has the edge for me. The shopping is better too!

Just a few thoughts :smile:
theres definately a good night life in birmingham. there is broad street which is like the main strip if you like, and then the arcadian which is some other bars and clubs around the corner.....

there is also a rather big club which used to be called 'the works' and is now gatecrasher ques are rather long but i have enoyed many nights in there....

birmingham is also good for shopping, i mean you have literally every shop under one roof (with the exception of primark which is outside) but all in all, although im looking forward to going away, im also looking forward to coming back to a good city :-) hope this helps xxxx
I just got an acceptance for Birmingham AND Nottingham to do biotechnology! ...
Nottingham is better
Original post by Decs.
Now I have visited both and know quite a bit about both but just can't seperate the 2.

Both campus which is what i wanted and both with vey good reputations, I feel Birmingham as a city offers me more but the chance to study at Nottingham, with its great site and excellent rating as a uni is something i find hard to turn down.

I reckon the most important question i need answering is, does Birmingham have more to offer as a city than Nottingham? I get a cold feeling from Notts as a place, a lack of character which i wonder if anyone else has felt? Maybe i was just there on a miserable day lol

Any feedback or opinions in any way would be great, not just to the above question. Please don't just name the uni though, give ur reason. Cheers guys :smile:

I'd prefer birmingham as the people are really friendly and that that the enviroment just looks stunning, the scene looks photoshopped-but it isn't. I choose birmingham, that's final, for sure.