The Student Room Group

Happy single persons day!!! Read!

As some of you may know, I have a slight obsession with sex and the city...

Anyhoo, on one episode Carrie mentionned an idea which had never crossed my mind..

How come people in relationships get to celebrate it all the time?? Eg, Valentines Day, anniversaries, engagements, wedding days, happy "u had a new baby day"?? Plus singletons, like moi, will actually end up spending money on presents later in life for those people happy in relationships for their weddings and engagements etc..

What about us single people?? We dont get any recognition for being alone..and we may like being alone but at the end of the day..people should buy us presents too :p:

So I propose a Happy Single Peoples Day..where people celebrate being single.. And we get presents..

I have approached my friends with the idea and we are going to give each other chocolates and gifts on that day.. plus, we can hav a girly nite out!

I want to spread the word.. So go celebrate your single life (and sing Natasha Beddingfield until u cant sing anymore).. ohh, and get presents :biggrin:

Date of Happy Single Persons Day...coming soon...

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Reply 1
Aye aye!
Reply 2
Die :smile:
heh cool!! Just saw boy who turned me down last week walking down the street was forced to laugh really loudly to bemused friend in a desperate attempt to retain coolness...sigh
Reply 4
Die :smile:

well all rightey then....
Reply 5
As some of you may know, I have a slight obsession with sex and the city...

Anyhoo, on one episode Carrie mentionned an idea which had never crossed my mind..

How come people in relationships get to celebrate it all the time?? Eg, Valentines Day, anniversaries, engagements, wedding days, happy "u had a new baby day"?? Plus singletons, like moi, will actually end up spending money on presents later in life for those people happy in relationships for their weddings and engagements etc..

What about us single people?? We dont get any recognition for being alone..and we may like being alone but at the end of the day..people should buy us presents too :p:

So I propose a Happy Single Peoples Day..where people celebrate being single.. And we get presents..

I have approached my friends with the idea and we are going to give each other chocolates and gifts on that day.. plus, we can hav a girly nite out!

I want to spread the word.. So go celebrate your single life (and sing Natasha Beddingfield until u cant sing anymore).. ohh, and get presents :biggrin:

Date of Happy Single Persons Day...coming soon...

Possibly because it's taken for granted that the vast majority of singletons (myself included) do not take pride in their decidedly unenviable status. :rolleyes:
Possibly because it's taken for granted that the vast majority of singletons (myself included) do not take pride in their decidedly unenviable status. :rolleyes:

unenviable? :eek:

hell..being single is one big long Party, all the clubs are designed for us, adverts are aimed at us, magazines aimed at us the only few things that suck about being single is no date for valentines day and slightly less frequent sex.... apart from that..GO SINGLE LIFE!!!

besides I'm not committing to anyone who doesn't look like Gael Garcia Bernal :wink:
Hmm... being single has it's upsides and downsides, as does being in a relationship. I think, ultimately though, it's programmed into most (note: most not all) humans to want to be in a 2-way-relationship of some sort. At least in modern society.

For example, humans are the only species where both participants face each other during intercourse. So it's not just a biological process like it is for other animals (not as if you didn't know that already!)
Reply 8
Hmm... being single has it's upsides and downsides, as does being in a relationship. I think, ultimately though, it's programmed into most (note: most not all) humans to want to be in a 2-way-relationship of some sort. At least in modern society.

For example, humans are the only species where both participants face each other during intercourse. So it's not just a biological process like it is for other animals (not as if you didn't know that already!)

i dont care... i want presents :biggrin:
Because "I don't love you" cards won't sell so well ;_;


It's a nice idea, but it could totally be done any day of the week. A lot of singletons don't want to be singletons [okay, some do, but hang on..]. I reckon a "singleton's day" might turn into an "I'm desperate" day for some people :\

Mind you, for the proud singletons, rock on.

:thrasher: INDEED
Reply 10
Because "I don't love you" cards won't sell so well ;_;


It's a nice idea, but it could totally be done any day of the week. A lot of singletons don't want to be singletons [okay, some do, but hang on..]. I reckon a "singleton's day" might turn into an "I'm desperate" day for some people :\

Mind you, for the proud singletons, rock on.

we should all be proud..
we just havent found any one who deserves up yet..

Plus..i want presents.. *ahem*
Reply 11
unenviable? :eek:

hell..being single is one big long Party, all the clubs are designed for us, adverts are aimed at us, magazines aimed at us the only few things that suck about being single is no date for valentines day and slightly less frequent sex.... apart from that..GO SINGLE LIFE!!!

besides I'm not committing to anyone who doesn't look like Gael Garcia Bernal :wink:

Does not the fact that 'adverts are aimed at us' serve merely to compound the notion that there may be something amiss from our lives? :rolleyes:

Besides which, I'm long overdue for a first date, let alone a first relationship. Being single is hardly gratifying, for lack of a choice in the matter; certainly, I feel no desire to self-consciously revel in the fact of my loneliness.
Reply 12
Does not the fact that 'adverts are aimed at us' serve merely to compound the notion that there may be something amiss from our lives? :rolleyes:

Besides which, I'm long overdue for a first date, let alone a first relationship. Being single is hardly gratifying, for lack of a choice in the matter; certainly, I feel no desire to self-consciously revel in the fact of my loneliness.

ahh..bless..Ill date ya
Actually no I wont.. I wanna celebrate Happy Single persons day :biggrin:
Reply 13
ahh..bless..Ill date ya
Actually no I wont.. I wanna celebrate Happy Single persons day :biggrin:

Just my cursèd luck. :rolleyes:
Just my cursèd luck. :rolleyes:

Or not... she might turn out to be a psychotic.
Reply 15
Or not... she might turn out to be a psychotic.

thanks... :rolleyes:
thanks... :rolleyes:

Well I've always been a cynic with these new-fangled internet thingys. You just never know who the real person is. :wink:

(Says the bloke who's username is of two guys from the 60s and who considers the net to be "new-fangled." Hee hee, just realised those two things as I typed this!)
Reply 17
Well I've always been a cynic with these new-fangled internet thingys. You just never know who the real person is. :wink:

(Says the bloke who's username is of two guys from the 60s and who considers the net to be "new-fangled." Hee hee, just realised those two things as I typed this!)

I would never ever ever date someone over the internet..
tis much better to stay single and safe..
So lets all just celebrate single persons day together :biggrin:
Does not the fact that 'adverts are aimed at us' serve merely to compound the notion that there may be something amiss from our lives? :rolleyes:

Besides which, I'm long overdue for a first date, let alone a first relationship. Being single is hardly gratifying, for lack of a choice in the matter; certainly, I feel no desire to self-consciously revel in the fact of my loneliness.

at least you have a bristol offer... best looking girls in the country there..or so i'm told.
Reply 19
at least you have a bristol offer... best looking girls in the country there..or so i'm told.

In my experience; the better they look, the more likely they are to be looking elsewhere. :rolleyes: