As some of you may know, I have a slight obsession with sex and the city...
Anyhoo, on one episode Carrie mentionned an idea which had never crossed my mind..
How come people in relationships get to celebrate it all the time?? Eg, Valentines Day, anniversaries, engagements, wedding days, happy "u had a new baby day"?? Plus singletons, like moi, will actually end up spending money on presents later in life for those people happy in relationships for their weddings and engagements etc..
What about us single people?? We dont get any recognition for being alone..and we may like being alone but at the end of the day..people should buy us presents too
So I propose a Happy Single Peoples Day..where people celebrate being single.. And we get presents..
I have approached my friends with the idea and we are going to give each other chocolates and gifts on that day.. plus, we can hav a girly nite out!
I want to spread the word.. So go celebrate your single life (and sing Natasha Beddingfield until u cant sing anymore).. ohh, and get presents
Date of Happy Single Persons Day...coming soon...