my mate has a problem, she likes this guy and is giving him the biggest hints ever thats she likes him and he is being stupid or is just tryin 2 pretend he doesnt realise...... i think she should leave it because my theory is that he realises and doesnt like her in the same way and is therefore pretending he doesnt realise so he doesnt hurt her..... however my other friend thinks that he either doesnt realise or realises and is just playing hard to get because he doesnt kno how to tell her..... this is there txt convo.... opinions please!!! thnx!
him: "how r u hun?"
her: "im okay, just abit pissed off. i like this guy but he doesnt seem to realise and if he does he isnt doing anything about it!" (talking about him!)
him: "well if he aint doing anything about it then he either aint interested for some reason or he's waiting for you to make the first move, depends on what type of guy he is."
her: "must be crazy if he aint interested, lolz! naaah, im just playin! i dunno, i gave him so many hints and he doesnt seem to realise and its not like im going to tell him up front cos im scared of rejection and dnt wanna wreck things! me make the 1st move... aint gonna happen! would help if i knew if he liked me or not! i kno its crazy!"
him: "it depends on what type of guy he is, has he got a good personality or is he a dic*? is he ugly or good looking? have u known him 4 ages? would u wanna wreck ur friendship?"
her: "lolz, he aint amazingly fit or anything but he's got to be one of the most decent guys iv met with a fab personality iv known him 4 a while" (so obvious she's describing him)
him: "well if he aint all that then he aint really worth it! find sum1 else, lolz!"
her: "lolz! hmmm... looks arent everything! he aint ugly, just aint all that! dont worry bout it, i just realised something!" (says this cos she thinks the whole "find sum1 else" is him tellin her he's not interested!)
so what do you think......
1. he likes her and is just playing hard to get.
2. he doesnt like her in that way and is just letting her know without hurting her and is just pretending he doesnt realise.
3. he hasnt realised yet!