The Student Room Group

This really isn't helping my paranoia...

Yeah, everything between me and Jamie is fine. But theres one problem.

this guy in the pub seems dedicated to causing problems. Otherwise, things would be perfect. The first time was last Friday, when I was out with Jamie, went down the pub, and this asshole has spoken to my dad ONCE! and he turned round and said "I don't think your dad would approve" to me, referring to jamie, while he was stood next to me. I managed to reassure Jamie then.

But then last night, it was my turn to get upset. J had the kids over, and I was at work. The tosser asked where J was, and I said at home. Then he made some comment saying J was probably using me. Like great. Insecure enough as it is. Now theres me thinking I'm not good enough for him etc.

Needless to say, J is angry as hell at this guy. I sat there when I got round his after work, almost in tears. Which got to J...

Why can't people keep their noses out...Especially when they don't know the first thing about me, J, whatever...
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its just kinda getting to me, and its getting to J too.
Just keep telling yourself that you should feel sorry for this guy. You've got this amazing thing with someone you love, and all this guy has is sitting in a pub making an ass of himself.
You shouldn't let this sorry excuse that vaguely approximates for a human being make you feel bad.
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i dont know any of the story but my favourite phrase to such losers is "p*ss off".
Reply 6
this guy sounds like loser, ignore him. next time he says something, just point out to him that he is a sad lonely old man who spends all his time in the pub because he has nothing better to do and nobody to spend his time with.
Reply 7
he sounds like he is jealous actually. Can you complain to someone above him or maybe even hand in your notice? It is none of his business what goes on in your life and you need to tell him that.
Reply 8
I really think you should complain about him - his comments are nothing short of harassment and people like this need to mind their own business.
Reply 9
he sounds like he is jealous actually. Can you complain to someone above him or maybe even hand in your notice? It is none of his business what goes on in your life and you need to tell him that.

pfft, I aint handing in my notice, love the job too much. its like, this guys a customer, and comments so far have included the ones above, as well as telling me to go home and die on one occassion.
Reply 10
ok, complaint it is.