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fine art interviews yesterday

jw did anyone have a fine art interview yesterday? i did, quite worried about it :confused: how did everyone elses go?
Reply 1

Tell me about your fine art interview? I have one in a couple of weeks. What was asked and how long did it last. I have a letter from Leeds met saying they're goin to assess my knowledge on art history etc.. :confused: i know nothing on art history - HELP!
Reply 2
hey! i've had 2 fine art interviews, aberystwyth and york st john... both were really different, each uni has their own way of doing it. at ysj it was really informal, they just looked through my portfolio and asked me a few questions about my work etc. Then they wanted to know if i had any questions, so i asked them a few things about the course. but it seemed like they'd already made up their mind to offer me a place and just wanted to confirm it. aber was a bit more formal, i guess because their school of art is more traditional. they asked what sort of plans i had for the future, and what outside interests i have, and also stuff like what exhibitions have i recently been to, that kind of thing. then they looked through the portfolio, asking some questions about the work. they were both no more than 10 minutes long, goes really quickly! is it your first interview? do you have any others? my advice is make sure your portfolio is sorted and has only got stuff in that your really proud of and that you can talk about, and make sure you show them what they are looking for. eg for aber they are v traditional so i put in lots of life drawing. also try to ask them at least 1 question, it shows them that you are really interested in studying there. but just try to relax, its a good opportunity to prove how good you are!!!:biggrin: i hope it goes really well for you and fingers crossed! xxx
Reply 3
i had an interview at aber for art yesterday, do you know how long it is till we find out if we got in? my interview sounds really different to yours, it was about half an hour, and was really informal, they were LOVELY, so friendly :smile:
Reply 4
I had an interview at Wimbledon a few days ago for fine art (painting) and it went well I think, lasted for 55 minutes and they seemed very interested and asked me an awful lot of questions, however they asked me if I'd be interested if they offered me a different course (I think because I talked about how I'm into a large range of things) and I explained why I was specifically interested in fine art painting rather than print making or film, after I was finished they said "well ok safe journey's" she smiled and it was over very abruptly. Not sure if she thought "ok I'll give him an offer for painting" or "go away then if you don't want to do another course"

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