I'm probably applying to Durham this year and was wondering - which of the colleges is the wealthiest (i.e. best facilities, most grants and scholarships for undergraduates etc.)? Thanks
I'm probably applying to Durham this year and was wondering - which of the colleges is the wealthiest (i.e. best facilities, most grants and scholarships for undergraduates etc.)? Thanks
I don'd know of any that do general grants or scholarships to normal people, but facilities wise hill colleges tend to have more
when i went on an open day to st john's they said it was one of the richest colleges, what with the church loving it and all. i dunno how much truth is in that statement tho!
There is a difference between how much money the college has and how much money the JCR (or SRC) has. A college with a lot of money can provide things like nicer rooms and fixtures but if you want a college that can provide great fun stuff, sports, clubs, balls, etc then you want a college with a wealthy JCR.
john's is actually financially independent of the university, as I believe is chad's, which means that they keep all the money they make, and basically end up richer than other colleges. University college would probably be a lot better off financially if we didn't have the thousand year old castle to look after, but then again, we wouldn't be quite the same without it.
I know Mildert gets an awful lot of money from using its conferencing facilities outside of term time. I know as well that it gives grants. This summer it is giving several thousand to those going on summer "adventure trips" that will enhance their studies and ...life.
Chad's is a church college as well... high anglican as far as i am aware. So they get support from the church as well, and they are independent too so yes they get to keep their money. If it wasn't for cambridge i'd be at chads like a shot... loved it!
Chad's is a church college as well... high anglican as far as i am aware. So they get support from the church as well, and they are independent too so yes they get to keep their money. If it wasn't for cambridge i'd be at chads like a shot... loved it!
Have you been to an open day? I got rejected from Cambridge but an offer from Chads (for history). Would you reccommend it then?
Have you been to an open day? I got rejected from Cambridge but an offer from Chads (for history). Would you reccommend it then?
I would definatly recommend chads (I'm alredy at durham at aidans) its a cool small college in an amazing location with surposedly good food, a great bar, a cool jcr etc
chads did have money till they bankrupteed themselves on a cover for their courtyard.
johns is by far the richest college, this however will not effect you. in durham when it comes to scholarships it will be decided on your subject, departments handle them not colleges (as far as i know).
I would go for Hatfield (altho I am biased!) but it already has better facilities than Chad's, mainly because it is bigger, and they are continually improving them. Chad's is very very small and so is unlikely to be able to make anything new even though they may be wealthier as a college.
Hatfield do give out lots of money to its students tho, mainly through the Hatfield Trust which is an alumni setup that brings in huge funds for students who want to study abroad, travel or who are simply in financial hardship. The best thing is to visit and see for yourself...x
Ah slight problem there then. U could always email the masters/ secretaries at the colleges and ask them about things like this. They will probs have a better idea than peeps on here. They are always very helpful. x
Ah slight problem there then. U could always email the masters/ secretaries at the colleges and ask them about things like this. They will probs have a better idea than peeps on here. They are always very helpful. x
might be..but i don't really have a clue what to ask them
when i went on an open day to st john's they said it was one of the richest colleges, what with the church loving it and all. i dunno how much truth is in that statement tho!
My understanding of the issue is that only St Johns and St Chads are "independant" colleges, so would have wealth of their own. The rest are centrally managed to a certain extent from the University itself.
There was mention of Chads nearly going under after redoing a floor. I have also heard that tale, and apparently the bursar responsible did a runner to the USA.
When it comes to facilities etc, then it all depends on the blocks as well. Hild Bede for example has some rooms only renovated a year or two ago, and others in desperate need of renovating. Castle has grand palacial rooms for finalists, and accomodation they wouldn't consider putting HMP Durham inmates in as well.