The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Get new friends.
Just spend time with each other!
You don't need to have the same friends, most of the time its better if you don't
Reply 3
Dump her?
Reply 4
it's hard to dump someone you love, and i have different aspirations in life i want to travel the world while im young she doesn't ahhh lifes a **** lol
Reply 5
ah, making the choice between friends and significant other.

i'm going to say go with who has been there for you the most. friends are more than one person remember, a girlfriend is not.
Reply 6
thanks to whoever repped me haha
Why can't you keep your relationship and friends apart?
That's fine to do as long as you don't spend too much time on either of them.
Reply 8
If you're not willing to put in the effort to at least tolerate her friends, AND she's not willing to make an effort to get on with your friends then your relationship seems pretty messed up anyway!

Sorry, I don't mean to sound harsh. Think about it though- is this girl really worth getting hung up over??

Good luck!
Reply 9
thanks to whoever repped me haha

it was me lol
most guys would make fun of the situation or post stupid comment :biggrin:
Reply 11
If you're not willing to put in the effort to at least tolerate her friends, AND she's not willing to make an effort to get on with your friends then your relationship seems pretty messed up anyway!

Sorry, I don't mean to sound harsh. Think about it though- is this girl really worth getting hung up over??

Good luck!

thanks but we have been going out for 1 year 6 months its only recently i hate her friends i dont usualy hate people, but these guys yes 90% guys are all **** lol
Reply 12

haha thats jokes man :rolleyes:
haha thats jokes man :rolleyes:

Serious point though.
Reply 14
They say dont tell me what the persons like, tell me what theyre friends are like. You pick your friends you dont pick family!! Thinka bout it-bit of a worry that
Honestly man I'd love an update on how it all played out, I'm on the edge of my seat here.