The Student Room Group

Where do you see yourself in 2, 5 and 10 years time?

Self explanatory really, for me:

2 years- i'll still be in training!! So hopefully on the Bsc program, on course for a first!!

5 years- qualified, hopefully have done a post-grad qualification and maybe working within a specialism

10 years- working as a sister, maybe aiming to be a nurse consultant/practitioner

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2 - Hopefully in Imperial studying Biomedical Science

5 - Maybe doing a PhD or something

10 - Working either in a hospital/ research centre or maybe still be stuck in a uni
Reply 3
2 - med school

5 - med school

10 - a nurses bedroom
2- at oxford, hopefully doing well and aiming for a first or 2:1
5 - doing a phD or maybe another degree in maths
10 - working either in research or teaching (secondary)
2 - Hopefully studying Medicine/Engineering in a University, preferably the one I'm hoping for. :rolleyes:
5 - Still studying in university.
10 - Working, or maybe I'll still be stuck as a student somewhere.
Reply 6
2- First year of PPE at Manchester after a great GAP year
5 - Working public sector
10 - Living on Mars
Reply 7
2 Years: On my second year of my Bsc in economics

5 Years: Working for an international organisation/Completing part-time Phd

10 Years: In love, living and working in a foreign country
Reply 8
2 years - at uni

5 years - no idea

10 years - no idea
Don't say doing your wife, don't say doing your wife...
2 - finishing my degree with a 2:1
5 - working
10 - have a PhD

This made me laugh out loud haha
Reply 12
Zap Brannigan
Don't say doing your wife, don't say doing your wife...

Beat me to it :frown:

lol :biggrin:
Reply 13
1. Still at Liverpool
5. Charity work maye? Travelling?
10. Something in the United Nations
2 Years - Doing well in a grad job
5 Years - Climbing the career ladder and in a position of authority... also on the verge of getting married.
10 Years - Happily married with kids, in a powerful position in the company I work for.
Reply 15
2 years- Final year of Uni (we hope!)

5 years- Hopefully in a job somewhere and out of education!

10 years- Settled in a career, not necessarily with a family
2 - Starting Accountancy training with a top 4 company.
5 - Finished training and gaining experience
10 - Established my own practice and just general cotchin' :biggrin:
Reply 17
2 years - Doing Beng in Uni for civil engineering.
5 years - Doing Meng in Uni for civil engineering.
10 years - Doing Dr/Pro. in Uni for civil engineering.
2- At Uni and doing all the uni things
5- Hopefully if not studying in America, finding a job
10- Thinking about retirement :smile:
2 years time: in my last year of my degree after a placement year, hoping to pass with a 1st or 2:1

5 years time: in a stable and enjoyable job (web design/graphic design) and loving my mid-twenties

10 years time: hopefully married/engaged :biggrin: