I guess we may as well go down this route.
A few nice pubs
An alright looking campus
Cybernetics is good
Nice pie shop/pub
Close to Oracle/Microsoft ( Good for comp people )
Its exactly the same as any other town out there, repetitive chain shops and bars
it drains your soul, there is nothing original here
Lots of townie bars, drunken louts
the campus may look nice, but its all fake, engineered landscaping, horrible
it has about as much life as somewhere like Slough, or Milton Keynes, that is to say, none
If I had to pick a colour to describe Reading, it would be 'grey', thats not good
its commuter town, no one actually lives here, and if they do, they tend to be boring sods, its not their fault, its just Reading has sapped them of any life at all
This isn't flamebait, lets get some more pros cons up first before discussing them.