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Do you click your fingers/other parts of your body?

I am addicted to clicking my fingers and this addiction is spiralling out of control:eek:

First I used to do it a few times a week, then a few times a day and now I find that every 5 minutes I have to push my fingers back to relieve the tension.

My hands feel really numb and weak but I can't stop but as of this point I am going to really try.

I also have to keep stretching my right shoulder till it clicks to make it feel better. Argh!

Do any of you guys have this problem?

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Reply 1
neck, and on ocassion right knee
I am addicted to clicking my fingers and this addiction is spiralling out of control:eek:

First I used to do it a few times a week, then a few times a day and now I find that every 5 minutes I have to push my fingers back to relieve the tension.

My hands feel really numb and weak but I can't stop but as of this point I am going to really try.

Do any of you guys have this problem?

I used to have it; not any more, though.

It's OCD and stems out of nervousness.
Reply 3
Whenever I used to get near to a particular girl I used to hear an audible "click" was just me turning her on.

Reply 4
I click my back all the time. I think it's the uni seats, it makes it feel all sore and stiff until I click it.

If your hands are feeling numb then stop clicking so often as you may be doing some damage.
Reply 5
The bone in my ankle! It's so annoying, if I start thinking about it I get obsessed and keep clicking it back and forth... OK you probably didn't want to know that though!
Reply 6
I clicked my wrist compulsively whenever I was Tired, Stressed or Nervous. I went to the Doctor's about it and she said I'd developed RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) from doing it and it could seriously affect my work capacity and could lead to arthritis when I was older.

This scared me into stopping, but it was difficult to do. It can be really dangerous and damage your ligaments, whenever you do it slap you hand or pinch yourself to stop yourself. Then your brain will associate it with pain and if it's obsessive, it may stop. You may need to put a bandage on your fingers which will inhibit movement and heal the ligament your fingers.

Don't worry though, worrying will make it worse, it is easily curable. Hope that helps!

Shoulders and neck... and sometimes my spine.
Reply 8
I click my fingers now and again too (several times a day) but this is a physical thing rather than anything psychological. One i've clicked them i can't do t again until they at some point feel tight and i have an urge to click them again. I've been doing it for years and has become a natural everyday occurance. Most of the time i dont even realise i'm doing it.

I don't think it will cause any serious physical problems. Like i say i have been doing it for years and no issues yet. i do remember my parents mentioning it to my doctor once when i was very little who wasn't concerned about it at all.

I used to be able to do it with my neck too when i was younger but not any more. Plus i once saw a young kid on the news who used to click his neck, hurt himself, and ended up wearing this big metal box around his neck to protect it. (not kidding). I stopped after that.
Click my fingers, my thumbs, my knees, my back, my wrists, my toes, my neck. My elbows and shoulder and hip sometimes click but that isn't on purpose, unlike the others.
Reply 10
I click my neck often. Move head towards each shoulder and it clicks. And my knees click a lot, but they're ****ed :frown:
Reply 11
Back, knees, toes, anything... Im always cracking something much to the disgust of my friends!!!
yes :biggrin: back, neck, shoulders, hips, knees, toes, ankles and erm anywhere possible :biggrin: it feels so good afterwards.
When I've finished writing in an exam, I tend to sit back and click my thumb 'back into place'.

Other than that, I don't on purpose. My body is like a independant one-man band in terms of clicking, though.
I constantly do it with both my knuckles and the next joint up in my fingers, not the joint a the tip though.
I also do it with my toes, ankles and like the joint that connects your legs to the rest of your body :P Like everytime I cross my legs they make really loud click noises.
I also occasionally do it with my knees, wrists and shoulders.
I find I do it more especially with my fingers if I'm um intoxicated. :P
I never used to do it with my fingers until last valentines day when I got extrememly "intoxicated" and clicked them all night and I haven't been able to stop since.
I clicked my wrist compulsively whenever I was Tired, Stressed or Nervous. I went to the Doctor's about it and she said I'd developed RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) from doing it and it could seriously affect my work capacity and could lead to arthritis when I was older.

This scared me into stopping, but it was difficult to do. It can be really dangerous and damage your ligaments, whenever you do it slap you hand or pinch yourself to stop yourself. Then your brain will associate it with pain and if it's obsessive, it may stop. You may need to put a bandage on your fingers which will inhibit movement and heal the ligament your fingers.

Don't worry though, worrying will make it worse, it is easily curable. Hope that helps!


That's a great idea.

After my exams I'll bandage up my fingers for a few hours on and off every day.

Just can't seem to find the will to stop doing it o hopefully this will do the trick!:biggrin:
I click my back all the time. I think it's the uni seats, it makes it feel all sore and stiff until I click it.

Same! I'd never clicked my back before I started going to lectures, now I need to do it all the time.

Fingers, sometimes knees, sometimes elbows.. I find it quite embarrassing but I don't realise I'm doing it half the time. It really grosses me out to hear it on other people. Ha.
I constantly do it with both my knuckles and the next joint up in my fingers, not the joint a the tip though.
I also do it with my toes, ankles and like the joint that connects your legs to the rest of your body :P Like everytime I cross my legs they make really loud click noises.
I also occasionally do it with my knees, wrists and shoulders.
I find I do it more especially with my fingers if I'm um intoxicated. :P
I never used to do it with my fingers until last valentines day when I got extrememly "intoxicated" and clicked them all night and I haven't been able to stop since.

Oh dear, I thought I was bad:eek:
Oh dear, I thought I was bad:eek:

It's like a disease :frown:
I find clicking my fingers is quite theraputic though, I always do it while I'm nervous.
I wish I could stop aha, I can't believe it is this bad and I have been doing it less than a year.
One day they will fall off, then I will learn.
Reply 19
I constantly do it with both my knuckles and the next joint up in my fingers, not the joint a the tip though.
I also do it with my toes, ankles and like the joint that connects your legs to the rest of your body :P Like everytime I cross my legs they make really loud click noises.
I also occasionally do it with my knees, wrists and shoulders.
I find I do it more especially with my fingers if I'm um intoxicated. :P
I never used to do it with my fingers until last valentines day when I got extrememly "intoxicated" and clicked them all night and I haven't been able to stop since.

I will see all of them, and raise you a chest clicking too! And sometimes even a hip click.