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On my Biology B, on there it says for an A it's 36/54.. how can that be that's only 67% :confused:

I thought you needed 80% for an A.
no 80% uniform marks. they vary the actual mark needed depending on how everyone did in it. if everyone else did well....they higher it, if everyone did badly, they lower it cus it was harder. ours is 69% i think for unit 4. wheras maths p1 was sumat like 82%!
no 80% uniform marks. they vary the actual mark needed depending on how everyone did in it. if everyone else did well....they higher it, if everyone did badly, they lower it cus it was harder. ours is 69% i think for unit 4. wheras maths p1 was sumat like 82%!

Yeah I thought as such, but that isn't very promising if you think about it :eek:

I hope i'm one of the good ones :biggrin:

btw, is there one of these for the other exam boards?

I don't understand this..

My examinations officer told me that German, GR02 was marked out of 90.. yet on this it says it is out of 108..? I got only 48 out of 90 on the paper, would she told me was only 6 marks off a C, whereas on this it says it is only 1 mark off a C..

Also, she said I got 71/105 on GR01, and that it was 3 marks off of a B.. yet on here 71/105 would get me an A..?

Am I just being thick?
See attachment..
Reply 5
They are all scaled and not the actual marks you get in the paper I think. :confused:
They are all scaled and not the actual marks you get in the paper I think. :confused:

How can the requirement for an A jump* up loads..?
Reply 7
Are all the results out 2day? im on school holiday at the moment coz my school does a stupid 5 term year so i cant go in and get them if they are out, grrr
Reply 8
Are all the results out 2day? im on school holiday at the moment coz my school does a stupid 5 term year so i cant go in and get them if they are out, grrr

Yup, they are out today. You can get the paper version ones next thursday.
Reply 9
I got given a bit of paper that says I got 57 Unit marks for Computing CPT1, and 51 for Business Studies BUS2. Is this out of 65 and 53 like the grade boundaries on that AQA page, or are they scaled up and are actually out of 90/105/whatever it is?
Reply 10
I got given a bit of paper that says I got 57 Unit marks for Computing CPT1, and 51 for Business Studies BUS2. Is this out of 65 and 53 like the grade boundaries on that AQA page, or are they scaled up and are actually out of 90/105/whatever it is?

Yes, those numbers are grad boundaries. For instance, you have 57 for CPT 1 that is a grade A. According to that site 40 and above is a grade A.
Reply 11
Do you know if any other exam boards publish this information? (eg OCR?)
Reply 12
Yes, those numbers are grad boundaries. For instance, you have 57 for CPT 1 that is a grade A. According to that site 40 and above is a grade A.

oh no...definitely not...on the site is the RAW SCORE required for the grade what ur given on the bit of paper is the UMS scaled score ... CPT1 is out of 105 UMS 57/105 UMS is a grade D..

to work out the actual raw score achieved:

grade C= 43/65
grade D= 38/65

43-38=5 raw marks. Given that the UMS score range is 10, between 53 and 63 57 would be 4/10 ie 40% of that range so therefore 40%*raw range= 2

the actual raw mark score would be 40/65
I really don't understand this: are the marks they give UMS marks? i thought they were out of 90/120 etc? very confused

oh ok, so they're not ums :frown:
Reply 14
I really don't understand this: are the marks they give UMS marks? i thought they were out of 90/120 etc? very confused

oh ok, so they're not ums :frown:

ok take it this way...wen u do ur paper, take computing 1

1.the raw score, ie; the mark available for that paper is 65 that is the number of marks u can gain from doing that paper..

it is marked and a mark is given for your performance

2.a meeting is held between the chief examiners to decide the crucial grade boundaries for A, C and E grades. These grade boundaries vary from year to year and they are the number of raw marks you need for a grade.

3. After this meeting the intermediate boundaries are calculated by computer ie; B and D.

4. The computer then converts the raw marks to UMS marks, so than an A is always 80, B 70 % etc;

Table example:
Max Raw Score: (65) 53 48 43 38 34
UMS Score: (105) 84 74 63 53 42

So, if you scored 53/65 on the paper you would be awarded 84/105 on ur UMS slip, etc;

Hope this is clearer now...
Reply 15
Reply 16
ok take it this way...wen u do ur paper, take computing 1

1.the raw score, ie; the mark available for that paper is 65 that is the number of marks u can gain from doing that paper..

it is marked and a mark is given for your performance

2.a meeting is held between the chief examiners to decide the crucial grade boundaries for A, C and E grades. These grade boundaries vary from year to year and they are the number of raw marks you need for a grade.

3. After this meeting the intermediate boundaries are calculated by computer ie; B and D.

4. The computer then converts the raw marks to UMS marks, so than an A is always 80, B 70 % etc;

Table example:
Max Raw Score: (65) 53 48 43 38 34
UMS Score: (105) 84 74 63 53 42

So, if you scored 53/65 on the paper you would be awarded 84/105 on ur UMS slip, etc;

Hope this is clearer now...

I got 49. So I guess that's a grade A or B. According to the website I posted in the first post, 40 and above is a grade A. According to your calculations I get a grade B. :confused:
Reply 17
I got 49. So I guess that's a grade A or B. According to the website I posted in the first post, 40 and above is a grade A. According to your calculations I get a grade B. :confused:

you got 49 what? UMS or raw marks? and for what paper did u score 49 for? wer u told u got 49 for ur exam 2day?
Reply 18
Haha I think I was the only one that understands UMS at my school, I had to explain and tell everyone what their grades were.
Reply 19
you got 49 what? UMS or raw marks? and for what paper did u score 49 for? wer u told u got 49 for ur exam 2day?

computing unit 1 (out of 65). It's a raw mark I think. :redface: