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5 days before each exam.

It won't work if you are aiming for 11 A*s though.
I'm aiming for mainly A's and A*s
Reply 4
I remember i began reivsing for all my GCSE exams in april time i think.. or march.. anhd then slowly slowly focused on my weaker subjects more nearer the exam.

ergh to think of all the time i wasted on those piss easy exams!! i didnt put half the energy i put into reivsing got GCSEs as i did a levels.
Reply 5
i learnt science (not revised but learnt) the day before.

the rest....about 4/5 days before depending on subject. Maths took about a week.
english/DT/IT/PHSE/German - did none.
Didn't anybody revise?
Reply 7
I didn't.
Reply 8
I revised and learnt slowly for about 4 weeks.
Did coursework before hand obviously.
Reply 10
I think I was playing Halo 2 instead at the time.
Depends how much of the content you learned through the year... if you understood it all and just need to remind yourself about all the content then not too long, if you need to learn it all from scratch then much longer.

Personally, I revised for about 2 or 3 days per subject.
Reply 12
I revised the night before each exam and got 1A*, 2A'S and 6B'S :p:
So if you want all A* and A's, then i'd say a week before the exam? :wink:

No seriously though, whenever you feel you want to revise, you can start now, just little bits here and there and then focus in, in April and May
I didn't revise for any subjects, but then i got **** grades.
Reply 14
I didn't revise every night. On 'Study Leave' me and my friends went round to someone's house most days and revised a particular subject together by quizzing each other etc. I don't remember doing any independent revision really other than taking my history book to the pub the night before my exam.
In reality, none, all I did was stare at the textbook a bit and write some notes. Still got A*A*AAAAAABB though.

Regret it now though because for AS, you can't just wing it and I don't actually know how to revise.
The only subjects I revised for were my German exams; around 5 hours the night before the oral and two hours the night before the listening and reading papers, and then my maths exam. I probably revised for around three hours the night before the exam, and about 30 minutes before the exam itself. Other than that, I just kind of hoped for the best. Needless to say, I didn't receive one A grade though :p:.
Reply 17
Um.. Language orals maybe an hour or two per topic.

I didn't do any other revision :o:
About 10 hours per subject.
I didn't revise.