The Student Room Group

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Hahaha yeah and everyone used to put them on radiators thinking they'd give birth.

They stank like nobody's busniess, urghhh just the memory repulses me.
Reply 2
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but they didn't actually consist of self-replicating molecules. They had no offspring. Ever.

There, there.
Reply 3
Yeah, people used to say if you tied them together then a baby would come out of its head - but then the mum would die. So I never tried it because I didn't want the mum to die :redface:
Reply 4
Mine didn't have babies :frown:
Reply 5
mine didnt either

brought out the paternal instinct in all the kids though
Reply 6
mine was a homosexual and couldn't have babies, it tried to adopt but i didn't want the alien child to grow up in that enviroment so i didn't let her.
Reply 7
they wer disgusting! and they didnt smell very nice either, they still sell them at my corner shop, eww
Didn't you have to put them in the fridge?
We used to throw them and stick them to the changing room ceiling.
Reply 10
Yeah someone told me that if you put it in the freezer for an hour it would give birth, i got impatient and took it out after like 30 minutes. Then i heard you have to microwave it, but my mum wouldnt let me :frown: I wanted it to have a baby so much lol :p: i like playin with the gooey stuff it came in :p: I actually saw one in a shop the other day :biggrin: was nostalgic
Babies? Where can I get on of these jelly alien things?
Reply 12
yeah but people always threw them at the ceiling:giggle:
Hahaha yeah and everyone used to put them on radiators thinking they'd give birth.

They stank like nobody's busniess, urghhh just the memory repulses me.

But did they really make babies? I mean really? I can't remeber them properly and it all seems like a dream :s-smilie:
haha yeah I got so annoyed that mine wasn't having babies that I cut it in half to see if there was anything resembling a baby in the stomach
Reply 15
I remember quite a lot of my class mates having them, especially one. I could remember he tried to stab a hole in the aliens ass in an attempt to pull a baby out.
loool. the jellyhands of the alien covered the jellypenis. it was weird.

interesting the things people did to them.. was that their whole point? to make kids be creative in thinking how to make it give birth, hahaah. :p:
ahh man..they were my life for like 2 weeks when i was in year 4/5...and i put mine near the window for them to make babies but the stork never came :P
But did they really make babies? I mean really? I can't remeber them properly and it all seems like a dream :s-smilie:

it was always a trick to make kids destroy them trying to find out how to make babies and buy more. :yep:
what are these?? i want one :frown: