The Student Room Group

Tsinghua University

Does anyone know anything about this university? It's just that I've got an email about it's LLM (Masters in Law) course on Chinese Law, which is taught in English.

In particular, how reputable is it's Law School? Chinese law has always been something that's interested me, especially Chinese public law (and given China's predicted rise to superpower status, it would be an incredibly useful niche to work in). Plus the idea of living in Beijing for a year sounds amazing.

However, I wouldn't want to waste a year if it turns out that an LLM from there doesn't mean an awful lot. What is the hierarchy (as such) of Chinese universities (in terms of reputation).

Reply 1
err a chinese uni fresh graduate (Tsinghua and Peking U) probably earn about 200quid per month
and Chinese hv no law anyways (its better to know people who work in government)

things will change.. in 50 years time i believe
Reply 2
To be honest, I'm not really in it for the earning power. I'm in it for the academic experience.
Reply 3
Does anyone know anything about this university? It's just that I've got an email about it's LLM (Masters in Law) course on Chinese Law, which is taught in English.

In particular, how reputable is it's Law School? Chinese law has always been something that's interested me, especially Chinese public law (and given China's predicted rise to superpower status, it would be an incredibly useful niche to work in). Plus the idea of living in Beijing for a year sounds amazing.

However, I wouldn't want to waste a year if it turns out that an LLM from there doesn't mean an awful lot. What is the hierarchy (as such) of Chinese universities (in terms of reputation).


I've heard (from people on TSR) that Tsinghua is a VERY competitive, top-of-the-line uni in China. If you study in China, Tsinghua would be the place to do it. I don't know anything about law etc...just passing on what I've heard. You could ask deinara for some info:smile:
Reply 4
Well I've heard it's meant to be a top law school and is the first to offer the LLM to foreign students. I believe it's merged with Peking, not entirely sure though, which makes it part of the best university in China.

Hmm, well I bet it would be one hell of an experience. It costs 9000 as well, so not too expensive.

It would certainly be interesting to look at some Chinese law and living in China for a year would be an unforgettable experience! It would spice up your CV as well...

Not really sure what it's like though, I just took a look at the Law School page; it looks like a good course.
Reply 5
9000 what?
Reply 6
9000 pounds sterling.
Reply 7
That's pretty damned expensive for us UK home students:eek:
Reply 8
Relative to a US university or some UK ones it's quite good. Bear in mind that other costs would also be a lot less...compared to say London. If you had 10 000 pounds in China you could buy a lot more with it :wink:.
Reply 9
Tsinghua University is a leading and one of the most reputed universities in China, along with Peking University, which are both situated in Beijing. Traditionally, Tsinghua University is famous for its science subjects, while Peking University is famous for its arts subjects, akin to Cambridge and Oxford respectively.

In terms of hierarchy, Peking University is usually ranked first and then comes Tsinghua University, but most people deem both of them equally strong overall. However, for law and their law schools, Peking University is usually considered the better of the two, although locals would consider getting into either one as being a great achievement already, compared to other law schools in the country. In short, Tsinghua is about equal with Peking with both being the best universities in China, but it is second to Peking for law.

In terms of the LLM degree, it depends on what you want to get out of it. It's not going to be much of an improvement for employability (in the UK), although unless if you intend to stay in China long-term for work, it will be great investment.
Reply 10
I think it would be a really enjoyable and fulfilling experience though. And it might well increase your employability, (connections between the UK and China are increasing every day and will continue to do so.)

Some firms might actually want someone with a working knowledge of Chinese law anyway...not sure :smile:.
as supervin already said, Tsinghua Uni and Peking Uni are the leading unis in china. They have very good, probs the best reputation in China.
And it's really competitive to get into these two.
That uni is very good, it could be the equivalent to Oxbridge in China. Why do you want to go to China to study? :confused:
Do you speak Chinese?