My home town has a very large Pakistani community, and my middle school has about 40% Pakistani students, most of which I used to get along with fine.
But every so often I would be walking down to the town centre and would get approached by a group of Pakistani boys about the same age as me. They would always question me about what I was doing, where I was going. I don't know why, maybe they were looking for a reason to start some aggro.
Anway, it is these individual and very isolated incidents that give rise to racial tensions and although things have calmed in the past few years, every so often you will read a story in the local newspaper about a racially motivated attack and that brings all those old feelings back to the surface.
Nobody can let it rest at all, and it is the younger generations who are greatly influenced by what their elder brothers and sisters get up to. They will often share the opinions of their elders without having ever experienced any racial tension at all and that just makes it harder to break the chain and stop these unjustified feelings.
I don't know what is to be done..........