The Student Room Group

Wants to be friends or more?

A friend of mine at work is leaving to move onto better things. Basically on her last day she went to the pub and got a bit merry. I went too, she stayed for longer than I did as I had to get back to work due to limited staff.
She tried to persuade me to stay and kept glancing up at me allot of the time. When I told her couldn't and started to put on my jacket, she just got up and went to the toilet without even saying goodbye.
We have always chatted, had a laugh and flirted a little bit. I do this with a lot my friends and didn't think much of it. When she was back from the pub, she kept hugging me for long periods of time.
I gave her a leaving present, she hugged me and started kissing my neck gently. I was a bit shocked and I think it may have shown.
After this we went and had a talk about life in general and she kept staring into my eyes for long periods of time. Made me feel slightly awkward and I made a joke about her staring which she laughed at. We said good bye and hugged again at the end of work.
Soon we are all going out for her leaving thing. Basically I am confused about her feelings. She has a boyfriend, so I would never let anything happen.
Initially I was attracted to her, as she is a very good looking girl but we became friends. I am not sure if I look at her in a romantic way anymore and I have got issues of my own to sort out. Am not even sure how she feels about me? Am I reading to much into it? Last time she got drunk at the pub at lunch time she kept playing with my ear.
Would you say that she sees me as more then a potential friend or is just showing friendship in a hands-on way?

Reply 1
It's a bit hard to say too much without seeing anything, but it sounds like there's an attraction there on her part.

It might be just always liked you and sad to be leaving, or it might be something more, I guess only she knows that.
i think there is something going on. but if she has a bf, find out if they r still together first. if they are not, get inn there. if they are, stay clear.

actually, my male mate buys me prfume, roses, and does kis my neck but we are just mates however if i went out with anyone else hed be mad and he ignored me for 2 weeks for speaking about my ex.

so yea i think there si something
Reply 3
my male mate buys me prfume, roses, and does kis my neck but we are just mates however if i went out with anyone else hed be mad and he ignored me for 2 weeks for speaking about my ex.

Are you aware that he's in love with you? :wink:
Reply 4
It's a bit hard to say too much without seeing anything, but it sounds like there's an attraction there on her part.

It might be just always liked you and sad to be leaving, or it might be something more, I guess only she knows that.

Yeah, i agree. It is really difficult to judge, it is different from all the friendships that i had before. She lives with her bf in a student house, so its serious.
Guess i will find out on her leaving night how she really feels.
Are you aware that he's in love with you? :wink:

:eek: no we've never kissed properly, and he says that i can go out with other people if i like even though he did get mad the last time. and he says he isnt attracted to me cos im too intelligent for him. hmmm.he says we r just good friends
Reply 6
:eek: no we've never kissed properly, and he says that i can go out with other people if i like even though he did get mad the last time. and he says he isnt attracted to me cos im too intelligent for him. hmmm.he says we r just good friends

Nah he likes you more than a friend, its soooo blatant!! :biggrin:
then why would he say he wasnt attracted to me when i asked him? and he did take me out, but now he says it was just as friends

anyway, i posted this same think on a different thread

and everyone said they thought it was how friends behave. (btw i said it was my friends prob not my own )