What the hell are you complaining about!?!
1) original poster, i had something absolutely identical to what you describe - happened when was fooling arounda pool with some friends, and one tried to pull me in. anyways, my neck, arm ec caned, and the muscles in my neck seized up, pulling it towards my shoulder (i thus looked hunchback) and so i went to the docs. sure enough he prescribed ibuprofen, and when i came out i felt like a right idiot.
i mean what the hell do u expect them to do? give you an mri, CT scan, surgery there and then?
Ibuprofen will both ease most of the pain, and reduce the inflammation which is causing the pain. then, in 7-10 days if you still have the pain you can go back and say 'i think i might have something more serious here.
Bosch, easy as pie.
2) Zurich - You break your foot, so you know you should have a cast, but dont want one so you can still drive. So what exactly do you want the doctor to do? Fact is best painkillers you can get for the pains you two are describing is ibuprofen which you can get down the drug store. Want it stronger? then double up your dose. All the doc will do is give you pills with twice as much painkiller in. AND you'd have to pay £6.50 for the privelege.
Christ, some people are just never satisfied.