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Don't see the logic.
Reply 2
it's not "masculine" but it's not embarassing. We all need to let it out sometimes!
Don't see the logic.

its a fairly clear question isn't it?
Reply 4
not really.
Reply 5
Of course not! The cuddling should be reciprocal in all relationships.
Of course not! The cuddling should be reciprocal in all relationships.

I'm surprised..i think its good though, our generation must be new men, cos back in the day, i bet it wasnt done, our grandfathers would have thought we were pansies!
Reply 7
I'm surprised..i think its good though, our generation must be new men, cos back in the day, i bet it wasnt done, our grandfathers would have thought we were pansies!
I can see why. Back then society dictated that men had to be "manly" in a very specific way - it's very easy to spot in the movies of the 50's and 60's.

The way I see it, "manly" back then meant:
1) You spoke with a very deep voice
2) You were the strong, silent type
3) You were constantly protecting your woman
4) You had parted hair :p:
Reply 8
I would have no idea. I'm far too much of a nerd to know such things. I don't see why someone wouldn't though. Shows off that they are your girl/woman/bitch.
Reply 9

It depends what she's holding on you!
Not at all. In fact, in my opinion it's a sign of being secure. I'd definitely be totally happy to cuddle my girlfriend in public. It's kinda like I'd also be happy wearing a pink shirt. People who say "oh that's so feminine" are generally the ones who have issues themselves.
Reply 12
Of course not... if you're in love, that's what you do!
Of course not... if you're in love, that's what you do!

Right but i mean, not just if you hug her, but you like, lay your head on her bosom and she holds you...meaning the man is in the more submissive role
i reckon it would be even more embarrasing if your girlfriend was a foot taller than you! :rolleyes:
Reply 15
Right but i mean, not just if you hug her, but you like, lay your head on her bosom and she holds you...meaning the man is in the more submissive role

Yup perfectly normal, I'd often lie on her in the cinema, or just on the sofa. It didn't make me feel any less of a man.

I'd be interested to hear the logic from anyone that does think there's something wrong with it.
Reply 16
Awww I'd be pretty hurt if my boyfriend wouldn't let me cuddle or comfort him. It's sweet when a guy just puts his head on your shoulder and just rests on you :smile: well your boyfriend anyway - if just any odd guy did that to me I'd freak out.

Nothing embarrassing about it - guys are humans they need a cuddle too sometimes.
its a fairly clear question isn't it?

Sorry I meant I don't see the logic in not wanting to embrace your partner, for whatever reason.
Reply 18
i love a guy who is secure with his masculinity - if he can cuddle u (or wear pink - which by the way is HOT) then he isnt man enough 4 me
Reply 19
Hugs and things are a great way of showing affection. I give them out to all my friends because of it, male or female. It's my way of showing them that I care about them.