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Bad attendance - how much will this affect my uni application?

Due to illness and family problems, my attendance has been really bad since starting sixth form.

I'm applying to uni this year (am in year 12 now) and I'm seriously worried this is going to make me look like I'm not a committed student.

My sixth form are aware of my problems however I don't think it's on record - my mum only phoned the school to speak to the head of sixth form.
They are still annoying me about my attendance even though I explained I suffer from serious migraines and they occur fairly often, there's nothing I can do but I do have better medication for it now..
I just don't want this to affect my application i'm not sure my sixth form are taking me seriously.
Reply 1
Just make sure your grades are good and you should be fine.
Reply 2
Aslong as you meet the conditions of the offer you get, you'll be fine. Although if you are absent from uni too much without a valid reason they can boot you straight out
Reply 3
Aslong as you meet the conditions of the offer you get, you'll be fine. Although if you are absent from uni too much without a valid reason they can boot you straight out do they not take into account attendance much?
Do you know if they get given attendance records?
Reply 4
I believe that they don't get your attendance records anyhow. The only way that low attendance could hinder you is if your referee mentions it in your reference which is unlikely in normal occasions and given you've got mitigating circiumstances for your absences, it won't be mentioned at all.

You'll be fine, just work towards your grades this year :wink:
Reply 5
I believe that they don't get your attendance records anyhow. The only way that low attendance could hinder you is if your referee mentions it in your reference which is unlikely in normal occasions and given you've got mitigating circiumstances for your absences, it won't be mentioned at all.

You'll be fine, just work towards your grades this year :wink:

Yes and at my school, if I remember correctly, the referees put down 'attendance and punctuality good' but just missed this out if it wasn't true.

You should check with your head of year, It'll make you look more concerned anyway.
I got into Cambridge and I swear I must have skived more school than I attended. I don't think they check.
Due to illness and family problems, my attendance has been really bad since starting sixth form.

I'm applying to uni this year (am in year 12 now)
My attendance has been bad this year and i know what you mean about college bugging you. I lost my dad last year and have been suffering from anxiety this year and migraines also and they just still don't seem to understand-they seem to think i just fancy having off. I got fed up of this and i just explained how terrible i'd been feeling-try and do this and keep up with deadlines as much as possible and they'll have to listen :-D
Reply 8
I don't go to college often (mostly 'cause I hate it), but it shouldn't overly hinder your application. It's unlikely that your referee for ucas is going to mention it in your reference and they only negative thing is that he/she won't be able to talk about how great your attendance is... isn't the end of the world.
Reply 9
My attendance is terrible (65%ish) it was put on my reference and i have offers from top universities(and my predicted grades were awful), as long as your personal statement is fine you'll be ok.
Most places wont mention your attendance, I've never heard of it affecting anyone.
I'm the same as you OP, my attendance is terrible due to illness. I'm predicted 320 points over 4 A2s and 1 AS and I've had four offers and withdrew from the last as I didn't want to go there. Really don't worry about it, make sure in your references and personal statment you mention the attendance thing and that you've achieved despite that (maybe say you're getting better too :/) and you'll be okay :smile:
Reply 12
My attendance was pretty poor and it didn't effect me.
i got offers even though i've got an official reprimand from my school for unexcused absences...
Reply 14
I know this thread was from years ago but this actually calms me for uni, my attendance was never good through high school and this is the highest it's been in a while (probably around 84% lol). Thank god they don't usually mention it then in references considering I have to apply this year :erm:
I've had a lot of time off this year due to illness and recently because why should I go I'm if my teachers aren't going to be there? I work better from home and have felt so much more confident since working from home as my courses are over and it's all revision. I hate my school and can't stand to be there. I hope all this still stands today as I don't want my uni thinking I'm not committed to my studies.
Original post by Tolkitten97
I've had a lot of time off this year due to illness and recently because why should I go I'm if my teachers aren't going to be there? I work better from home and have felt so much more confident since working from home as my courses are over and it's all revision. I hate my school and can't stand to be there. I hope all this still stands today as I don't want my uni thinking I'm not committed to my studies.

Your reference *can* refer to poor attendance - they can include anything negative as long as they can provide evidence that it is factual.

Getting out of the habit of attending is not a great idea - when you get to university you might not have anyone chasing you to attend and will have to live with the consequences.

If you're unable to attend due to illness then that's usually understood. Non attendance for other reasons (teacher absence or a poor learning environment) are something you should actively work on. Talk to your tutors and your head of year about the problems and ask when they'll be resolved. Try to fix the problem instead of just not turning up.
Reply 17
I've just found out that my attendance is about 70% and my UCAS application is getting sent off this week. By reading this discussion it helped me to calm down as I thought I wont be able to get into uni I want due to missing a lot of sixth form because of my current condition. But since I achieve higher grades than I'm predicted I guess universities shouldn't take attendance into consideration.
My attendance was very low in sixth form due to illness and this didn't affect me getting offers, although my deputy headteacher wrote to universities explaining the circumstances.
Tbh they don't even have to say anything about your attendance on your reference so I wouldn't worry.

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