The Student Room Group

Another guy problem.

Sorry guys, its not my fault.


theres this guy at work whos just joined the park this season. we've had a few laughs and we totally get on...cos he really makes me laugh and he's sweet etc. looks wise he's not my type though, but cos he's so funny, he's becoming more attractive. i think he looks about 25/26.

anyways...i went into the bar with my friend last night...and he was working. and we smiled at each other whenever we lookd at each other which was quite alot i have to say. and he'd come over to our table whenever i called him like even if he was working....but we had loadsa laughs.

and when we went off into the other bar...he asked if we were leaving and i said no, i said sarcastically dont worry i know ud miss me..and he just said yea. sarcastically or not i dont know.

anyways he kept asking me where i was gonna take him out on wednesday night for a drink. so i went along with it and just said i dont mind, where du wanna go. and he kept asking so i kept saying i dont mind and he said well i'll have to get in contact with you somehow, so i just said yea.

thing is...he's 31 next month....i mean thats a hell of a difference. i dont wanna think of him as a potential bf...last time i thought a guy liked me, it turned out badly. and my heart got broken as usual.

so someone help me think of him as just a friend. du think he likes me or what? cos i thought when he was asking me where we were gonna go wednesday night...i thought that was his way of sorta trying to ask me out but not wanting to ask me directly u know.

karen xxx

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It does sound like he is interested as he kept asking you where you were taking him - but be careful & don't rush into anything you are not comfortable with. Like you say, I think friends for now might be better if you have had a bad experience recently (& esp. if you are hesitating over the age difference). If he does like you, he should respect you for that and be fine with the 'friends-only' plan. If he isn't okay with that, it shows you made the right decision anyway. It's up to you tho, obv.
Reply 2
yea thanks. the thing is, if he does like me then i most likely would wanna take things further cos i do like him, its just the age gap that worries me and what people would say etc. but i mean the park closes end of october so we could finish it then. doesnt have to be a full on relationship. but i'll see how things go. i just feel so sick at the mo...its that feeling of...well i got it the day after i kissed someone last year who i really liked. that was a bit more intense though but its heading that way. (my feelings i mean).

and also when he said he was 30, he asked if that was alright...i didnt wanna sound as if i cared about i just said i dont care. lol. but its like he looks mid 20's and acts that age as well. so he doesnt look 30 to me or anything.

karen x
ummmm i think this might have been moved to the wrong forum entertaining as this post is
Reply 4
ummmm i think this might have been moved to the wrong forum entertaining as this post is

yes i was about to say that
Reply 5
any more advice?
he is definately interested. that thing bou t wed night was his way of asking you out.

what happened to the polish guy at work?and the guy from notts?

as for him being 31, im guessing he's bout 10yrs older than u so be careful he doesnt have any wives

go for the drink but take it slow cos he's so old

no cleavage you dont wana give n old man a heart attack!
Reply 7
yea i know.

but i dont think he does like me now. i think gareth is right. i think he was just asking me about wednesday night just to be friendly cos he was working.

we went to the staff party last night...he didnt ignore me...we spoke a little bit but he was talking to loadsa other people, if he liked me then he would of spoken to me more right? i dunno.

i had a dream last night that he had a partner. he most likely has so i dunno what im thinking of. he hasnt mentioned wednesday completely hopeless at knowing if guys like me. and some other guys that have just joined the park were at the party last night and i thought they were quite nice but nah, im not interested in them like that anymore. which is good i guess cos i wont keep seeing them as a potential boyfriend. the party was lame last night by the way.

wasnt even a party, just a gathering. left with no one now. apart from that foreign guy from the hospital...but i doubt anything will happen with him. life sucks.

guy from notts im not really interested in anymore. never really have been in that way. i want someone from round here, not someone from off the net. u know.

karen x
anyways he kept asking me where i was gonna take him out on wednesday night for a drink. so i went along with it and just said i dont mind, where du wanna go. and he kept asking so i kept saying i dont mind and he said well i'll have to get in contact with you somehow, so i just said yea.

he kept on asking you. if it was just as mates he'd have said 'hey are you going to that thing on wed night?' but he kept on asking. so it must have been important to him that you were there.

and blatantly him saying 'we'll have to get in contact somehow' was him asking for your number, you were meant to say 'yea, sure my number is xxxx, give me a call sometime'

i think he's going slow by not asking u out directly, not directly asking for your number cos of the age gap he's scared you'll thin he's a perv for coming on too stron to a young girl. and he seems afraid he'll be rejected.

and you saying 'i dunno' when he kept asking where do u wana go out looks to him like maybe you dont wana go out with him. he wanted u to say 'well there's a good bar at xxx' or 'usually i like to go to xxxx' and he would have taken u there. saying i duno seems like a rejection.

then when he was trying to get your number by saying 'we need to get in contact somehow', you just said 'yea'

so to him it looks like you either arent interested (why would a young pretty girl like a man so old) or are scared/uninterested in someone so old. this is probably why he didnt talk to you that much at the party.

to me i think he is inteested but doesnt think u are.go for it if u want to, cos he does like you

but i think maybe its a good thing. such a big age gap can only cause trouble. you'll do better meeting a nice guy your own age at the pub or at school etc
I don't think a 31 year old guy would play games at the same level as someone who is 16. So don't read into things too much would be my advice.
yea i know.

but i dont think he does like me now. i think gareth is right. i think he was just asking me about wednesday night just to be friendly cos he was working.

we went to the staff party last night...he didnt ignore me...we spoke a little bit but he was talking to loadsa other people, if he liked me then he would of spoken to me more right? i dunno.

i had a dream last night that he had a partner. he most likely has so i dunno what im thinking of. he hasnt mentioned wednesday completely hopeless at knowing if guys like me. and some other guys that have just joined the park were at the party last night and i thought they were quite nice but nah, im not interested in them like that anymore. which is good i guess cos i wont keep seeing them as a potential boyfriend. the party was lame last night by the way.

wasnt even a party, just a gathering. left with no one now. apart from that foreign guy from the hospital...but i doubt anything will happen with him. life sucks.

guy from notts im not really interested in anymore. never really have been in that way. i want someone from round here, not someone from off the net. u know.

karen x

interesting post (guy from notts bit i mean)
31 yo with 16yo? HA!
Im always very suspicious about large age gaps when the girl is younger than 20. I know that they like to propogate this whole 'girls mature quicker than boys' but i think that it is way overplayed. extra 2 years maturity max.

Fact is guys being guys often see past the age as far as sex is concerned, but for a relationship you need a pretty common maturity.
Unless he is 31 with the mental age of a 16 year old, he aint the one for you love.
im guessing from her name sparkle86 she's a year younger than me, 18/19 so thats ok
Reply 12
yea im 19
did u read my post?

i think he likes u, but by the way u acted, he might have thought was a brush off.

but be careful about someone so old. im 20 this year and i'd go up to 26 max
Reply 14
yea i know, i did read your post and i feel bad by how i reacted now and by the things i said but i didnt wanna seem like i was too interested incase he doesnt like me like that and we've got a whole 7 months left of working together so i dont want things to be awkward.

i always though anyone over 25 for me was a no go area but its different now i know him...or met him i should say and cos we get on so well its like...well is it really that much of a big deal? i doubt it'll be a serious long lasting marriage and kids relationship. but he is so nice.

ok u lot are gonna think im really sad but i read my horoscope a few months ago and it said that around march/april ur gonna meet someone who u wouldnt usually go for, but when he asks you out, agree as you'll be pleasantly surprised. lokswise i wouldnt usually go for him and definitely not age wise either.

karen x
those horoscopes are usually crap. are u scorpio btw?cos mine said the same thing!and yea it was tru!!!

well yea, working with someone u r seeing can be hard but also at least u can get to see him evry week!

i think he thought u werent interested, but he definately is. if u weant to go out with him, just suggest a drink after work
Reply 16
no im aquarius.

i meant it would be hard if i looked interested in him as in more than just friends and he didnt feel the same.

what makes u think he's def interested?

karen x
well, he kept on asking u if u were coming out on wed, and where u were going to take him 4 a drink. why would he ask u out for a drink if he wasnt interested? if it was as frinds, he'd have asked your mate to come too.

and then he tried to ask for your number, saying 'we'll have to keep in touch somehow'

and he kept looking and smiling.

i agree it would be hard if he said no, but if u say to him after work 'hey do u wana go for a quick drink?' if he isnt single, he'll say 'well ok but im meeting my GF/WIFE for dinner in a short while' or sth similar, then u still go, but just as mates. otherwise he'll say 'yea sure that will be really nice'
Reply 18
ok well im going up to the bar at work now, see if he's there, tell u what happens later.
:wink: go get him grrr!