The Student Room Group

Rootes: Extreme Partying or just really sociable?

I was wondering because i want somewhere that isnt boring, i can play my music,have fun and socialise with mates, and the occasional kitchen party [if there is such a thing]. But I dont want somewhere where everynite ppl are partyin hardcore and gettin pissed, and i can never get a chance to do any work.

I do like my own space sometimes aswell.

Any suggestions if rootes is the right place for me?
Reply 1
kinda same situation as me, but then i decided im not sharing a shower, and so should u....go AV. u can make friends and party at rootes, then come back to AV when (if) u need to go to sleep!
I thought Rootes at first beacuse I'm very sociable but think I'd prefer AV. I've heard it's very oversubscribed though so might apply to another ensuite place :biggrin:
Reply 3
just put AV as first then JM, then rootes
Reply 4
does any1 know how many choices we have 2 make, as i thought it was just 1st choice and 2nd choice?
Reply 5
6 choices. only 1 ensuite
Reply 6
so its likely that u get atleast one of ur top 3.....also do u have to fill them all in?
Reply 7
you don't have 2 fill em all in.. but if u dont ul get 1 u aint put down (happened last yr)
and no - u prob won't get top 3 cause they mess it all up !
Reply 8
you don't have 2 fill em all in.. but if u dont ul get 1 u aint put down (happened last yr)
and no - u prob won't get top 3 cause they mess it all up !

lol, thats alrite......NOT!
Reply 9
My experience of Rootes was a little unusual in that my corridor all went to bed around 9pm every night :frown: I think it is more important to describe yourself accurately on the accommodation form (say what you've said here - you like to party but not too hard!) than to try and play to the stereotypes of each accommodation. Don't go for ensuite if it's not what you want and don't say you're introverted and practically silent just to get ensuite if you're not, you'll only end up with people you don't like. Obviously you can socialise with other people, but it's so much nicer to be able to sit in *your* kitchen or *your* room with your friends than to spend your whole time somewhere else and just go back to your room to sleep.
I'd probably recommend filling in as many choices as you can, but you still aren't guaranteed to get one of them.
Jenn xx
Reply 10
Actually I think my corridor in AV has quite a sociable layout, it's long and straight so all 13 rooms fit in. Ergo you can see anyone coming out of their room, and say hi. But this type of layout is relatively rare in AV, most corridors aren't straight like a drag strip.

Rootes is more like a beehive; has more twists and turns and is narrower.
Reply 11
If I had a chance to redo my first year i'd live in rootes.

AV is nice but you're at uni, you hardly need 5* luxury, hell, in your second/3rd year you'll have to share bathrooms etc so you may as well get used to it.
Reply 12
If I had a chance to redo my first year i'd live in rootes.

AV is nice but you're at uni, you hardly need 5* luxury, hell, in your second/3rd year you'll have to share bathrooms etc so you may as well get used to it.

ok ****, that is the first ever post to have had an impact on me. holy fuk that is a good point!!! I had decided AV would be my top but i have no idea now!
Reply 13
bro every1 is gna change their minds every day if they read all these posts. just go 4 wat u can afford + need. for me, i want ensuite so prob gna b JM
Reply 14
Hey! After reading ALL of that, I think I'll go for rootes, as first, then claycroft, then perhaps AV..? how does that sound?
Reply 15
My experience of Rootes was a little unusual in that my corridor all went to bed around 9pm every night :frown: I think it is more important to describe yourself accurately on the accommodation form (say what you've said here - you like to party but not too hard!) than to try and play to the stereotypes of each accommodation. Don't go for ensuite if it's not what you want and don't say you're introverted and practically silent just to get ensuite if you're not, you'll only end up with people you don't like. Obviously you can socialise with other people, but it's so much nicer to be able to sit in *your* kitchen or *your* room with your friends than to spend your whole time somewhere else and just go back to your room to sleep.
I'd probably recommend filling in as many choices as you can, but you still aren't guaranteed to get one of them.
Jenn xx

did u say u were a hardcore partyer in ur statement
Reply 16
did u say u were a hardcore partyer in ur statement

No, I didn't, cos I'm not! I tried to convey that I like to stay up pretty late, get up pretty late and am sociable but that I'm *not* a 'hardcore partyer'. Unfortunately I think they must have misinterpretted it as "I'm incredibly quiet and shy and like to sleep from 9pm until 6am". Shame.
Jenn xx
Reply 17
I was in JM but if I could re-do my first year I'd put down Rootes. I had quite a sociable corridor in JM, but I didn't really get on with them.
Reply 18
I there a big difference between the old Rootes and the new Rootes, in terms of social life, better setting and nicer rooms etc?