I was just wondering what alcohol there is with a high percentage like absinthe and poteen that can be bought in the UK. I've heard of one called Everclear which is 95% but that only seems to be able to be bought in America.
you can buy anything in theuk...just have to go away from the supermarket...ive seen the strange eastern european potato alcohol which is 98% in camden
I don't really mean something that I can buy in the supermarket. I assume that any drinks with percentages like absinthe can only really be bought online.
you can buy anything in theuk...just have to go away from the supermarket...ive seen the strange eastern european potato alcohol which is 98% in camden
Wouldn't be 98%. You can't do that without adding a strong drying agent to ethanol, otherwise it just won't distill any further than 95%.
You can get absinthe in most places these days and you can order it online if that fails.
But the Absinthe you buy in Tesco, despite being a named brand like La Fee, is still weaker than a bottle of Cointreau or Bourbon. Strongest stuff I've got, drinks-wise, without actually searching round too much is 101Proof Bourbon, so 50.5%...
You can get things like Bacardi 151, which is 75.5%, and is the same strength as the less lethal version of Everclear that's on the Yankee market. As for everything else, you just have to search around - internet would be your best bet...or wait for some Polacks and such to start brewing bath-tub vodka. Always happens where I live - you go to Spar, and find out there's no vodka on sale cause some Eastern Europeans have been swapping it with their own homebrew which leaves you blind, deaf and dead.