The Student Room Group

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This is looking like it could backfire. Can we ask why?
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i am a guy.

Reply 4
are you need_money's sibling? :smile:
Reply 5
What is up with moderators on this forum? There are threads about really explicit stuff for a teenage chat room yet we post trying to help out a friend after his 4 year relationship ended and they delete everything. Makes no sense. Anyway…doubt this will stay but link to photos:

He isn't too bad looking, if he had a nice personality I might consider dating him.
Reply 6
personally no. Hes cute but way too young. Looks like my younger brother
Reply 7
He looks like a nice sorta guy, I couldnt pass judgement on him until I talked to him though.
Reply 8
are you need_money's sibling? :smile:

No, his kind and considerate uni flat mates (also single:smile:)

About looking too young - Turned 20 last month. First year uni but took a gap year.
Reply 9
yes well he is still way too young for me! Too baby faced
why are you trying to match him up to people? This isn't a dating forum. Try love @ lycos or something.
Hes a sweet looking guy. . . but if I was him Id be mad at you
Reply 12
why are you trying to match him up to people? This isn't a dating forum. Try love @ lycos or something.

not really trying to match him up as he would never go for that so there's no point in bothering. Started off as a kinda stitch up but moderators here didn;t seem to like that. Only came out of the relationship a month ago - still sulking - wanted to show him that there's other things out there. Also before we drag him out on the pull with us we need to evaluate our competition :wink: - we're the two in one of the photos 'last night'.
He's a nice guy. Alright....quick profile from what we can remember:

AAB at A'level we think. Took a gap year and did around the world back-packing. Pretty damn clever guy - just averaged 90 something % in his first semester exams in economics and maths. Seems to know what he's talking about most of the time - would never really guess he's *that* clever though unless you knew him - not stereotypically geeky in any way - never seems to do any work - never really talks about work - never says no to going out - seems to find time to play guitar in local indie/rock band - plays ice-hockey for the uni. Umm....he got offered an easter internship with goldman sachs - had to do a load of interviews and tests so can't be too bad to have got through all of that. Not much else to say really.

sounds interesting, but the deciding factor will be whether he answers these two questions correctly:

1) does he like star trek?

2) does he like anime?
Reply 14
Hes a sweet looking guy. . . but if I was him Id be mad at you

We'll delete this before he finds out..... unless their is nice things to show him in which case i'm sure he'll forgive us :smile:
Reply 15
sounds interesting, but the deciding factor will be whether he answers these two questions correctly:

1) does he like star trek?

2) does he like anime?

Umm...can't answer either for sure. Never seem him actually watch tv for anything other than movies or DVDs. Thinking about it none of us can ever remember him saying anything about liking tv shows.

As for anime, probably not - he watches fairly diverse movies and things but would guess that wouldn't be his thing from what we know.
Umm...can't answer either for sure. Never seem him actually watch tv for anything other than movies or DVDs. Thinking about it none of us can ever remember him saying anything about liking tv shows.

As for anime, probably not - he watches fairly diverse movies and things but would guess that wouldn't be his thing from what we know.

See, that is the problem with guys/girls these days, they have this misconception that anime is for children. Well, he is definitely not my type then.
sounds interesting, but the deciding factor will be whether he answers these two questions correctly:

1) does he like star trek?

2) does he like anime?

What should the answers be? Please, for God's sake, do not say "yes" and "yes".
See, that is the problem with guys/girls these days, they have this misconception that anime is for children. Well, he is definitely not my type then.

I don't think animé is for kids, but I find that people that like that sort of stuff (not without exception, of course) are generally...of a certain type, and aren't that open to other things. I'm talking about the people I know who are into animé.
We'll delete this before he finds out..... unless their is nice things to show him in which case i'm sure he'll forgive us :smile:

hmmmm think hed be mad at you anyway for making him sound so pathetic, what if someone at your uni see's this thread?

so whats the point in this thread really? Just the find out if hes hotter than u guys? lol :p: