The Student Room Group
Reply 1
tiredness, cough, sneezing, aches and pains, congestion, fever, cough, sore throat, headaches
I don't feel like explaining it, but I googled it for you. Hope the site helps.
Golly gosh it is back.
what are the symptons?
cos my dad is sniffy, had a head ache and his eyes just got really watery

thats manflu not flu.
weakness, fatigue, muscle aches, headaches, very high fever (101 to 102 degrees), sneezing, and maybe a runny nose, as well as possible GI problems -vomiting, diarrhoea, or both, may occur in flu.
Even if he does have flu (rather than a dramatised cold), there is little that can be done other than to give LOTS of fluids ( i mean like a big glass of water an hour. (A LOT OF WATER!!!), give some ibuprofen to sooth the headache, fever and muscle pains, and get lots of bed rest.

One thing i remember being important from my dissertation is to NEVER give aspirin to a young influenza patient - there is a risk they will develop reyes syndrome and die.

And for all those worriers out there, you won't be catching avian influenza anytime soon. I've been predicting this pandemic for over a year noww, and trust me, when it happens it won't be one page in the newspaper, it will be ALL the newspaper.
Reply 5
If you've got flu you're quite ill. You will probably have a high temperature, feel very weak and achey. Flu and a cold are quite different!
Flu / Influenza


The flu most often hits abruptly, with a sudden high fever, dry cough, and headache. Other symptoms may include muscle aches, weakness, a sore throat, runny nose, and red, watery eyes that are sensitive to light.
Reply 6
When I have a cold I call it flu because it's so much worse when I have it :wink:
Reply 7
When I have a cold I call it flu because it's so much worse when I have it :wink:

haha I was just about to say exactly the same thing. I once got the flu in 1998 and I was in bed for week, I didn't even have the energy to get out of bed, I had to have a portable bottle for when I need the toilet. I kept being sick contantly, it was actually a lot worse than recovering from my operation.

I remember it well becuase I was in school doing a geographicy mock exam, I remeber feeling awful during it, then I turned bright pale so much that the teacher said I didn't look well and sent me home. I got an E in that exam as a result but luckily my geography realised it was becuase I wasn't well I so could still take higher tear.
Reply 8
the easiest way to tell is the £20 test if there was £20 layin outside and your dad could get up and get it he's just got a cold
if he cudnt its flu