The Student Room Group

Bristol University Accommodation Info (please post all questions here!)

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I dont understand, i was reading the accomadation gurantee but it said if you had any insurance offers your no included. Ive chose bristol as my firm, but ofcourse ive got an insurance just in case!!!! Im confused?

Lol, it seems obvious to me now, but last year I asked the exact same question - they really ought to reword that sentence!
General question much would you say your experience at your particular halls has influenced your enjoyment of your first year? Do you think it makes that much of an impact?

Just curious.

General question much would you say your experience at your particular halls has influenced your enjoyment of your first year? Do you think it makes that much of an impact?

Just curious.


A lot, however i also think societies play a massive role too. That said, the time you have to develop relationships with people in your halls is without comparison (except family ofcause) you learn so much about people and within months you feel like you've known them your entire life. Even simply walking too and from university invests a huge amount of time in relationshiip building; it really is quite amazing. What's more the events held at my hall have been absolutely amazing, today we just had a carnival ball where the decoration was simply something to behold and ofcause there was bumber cars.

In short, I think the family environment of halls has a massive impact the the amount of enjoyment I personally have had in my first year. It just means when we do things together it's not just the fact that the activity is great but also the huge bonus of having fantastic company who you know so much about.
Reply 2003
Hi everyone. Just wanted to give some info about Manor Hall in Clifton. The beds are TINY!!!!! If you are anything other than an anorexic six year old with stunted growth, you will not fit in the bed. (goes without saying, if you come to manor, you're signing up for a celibate life.) hope we helped. love from current sleep deprived residents xx
Reply 2004
Hi everyone. Just wanted to give some info about Manor Hall in Clifton. The beds are TINY!!!!! If you are anything other than an anorexic six year old with stunted growth, you will not fit in the bed. (goes without saying, if you come to manor, you're signing up for a celibate life.) hope we helped. love from current sleep deprived residents xx

:shock: Definitely not Manor then.
Reply 2005
considering i'm 6 foot...yayyy, im glad im going for manor
On the accommodation fees chart there seem to be certain rooms entitled 'economy rooms' - what is this? What's the difference between an 'economy single with basin' and a 'single with basin'?
Sanity Panda
Would someone tell me if I'm making a bad assumption. That a lack of SU will mean that there are less focus on societies?

I'm partially worried that it's going to be like London. Most focus is on the clubbing, the city and such rather than student unions and activities. :s-smilie:
What's your experience so far?

Im worrying about the same thing to be honest - I thought university was a sort of unique time of life, and a way of living that only students get to experience; the lone combination of studying and clubbing doesn't really fit this bill for me and is making me wonder whether I should ask Bristol to scrap my offer so I can go elsewhere.

Hmm - it might be the maths revision thats getting to me...
History Lost in Physics
Im worrying about the same thing to be honest - I thought university was a sort of unique time of life, and a way of living that only students get to experience; the lone combination of studying and clubbing doesn't really fit this bill for me and is making me wonder whether I should ask Bristol to scrap my offer so I can go elsewhere.

Hmm - it might be the maths revision thats getting to me...

please read the thread or go on countless other threads where people expressing the same concerned have been answered. As it is late I will summarise:

There are 100s of people in halls
Not all like clubbing
You won't be alone so stop stressing
There's always people not going out (unless if its the summerball)
History Lost in Physics
Im worrying about the same thing to be honest - I thought university was a sort of unique time of life, and a way of living that only students get to experience; the lone combination of studying and clubbing doesn't really fit this bill for me and is making me wonder whether I should ask Bristol to scrap my offer so I can go elsewhere.

Hmm - it might be the maths revision thats getting to me...

Seriously guys you are worrying way too much. This is a university with thousands of students. That means thousands of different interests so trust me when I say you'll find things that interest you. The societies on offer here are incredibly diverse and the union still puts events on. All we're saying is that - because Bristol is such a wicked city with so much on offer - the union isn't the centre of our lives as it is at some universities.
It's not a lone combination at all, that's a very silly thing to say. Do you think the societies are just there with no one in them? Do you think the student union runs itself? Do you think the sports centre is just ornamental? There's absolutely loads of stuff you could do at uni which doesn't involve going to clubs; it's up to you to go out there and do it.
Do you think the sports centre is just ornamental? .

hehe sorry that tickled my funny bone.
Mark Corrigan
On the accommodation fees chart there seem to be certain rooms entitled 'economy rooms' - what is this? What's the difference between an 'economy single with basin' and a 'single with basin'?

Size I you can swing a cat in the other a hamster.
Emma the Hippy
Ok, so, bit of help if anyone has a moment? My criteria are:

- Self catering
- Would very much appriciate my own room
- Not bothered about ensuite
- Would like piano access
- Don't mind a walk
- I think I would prefer flat arrangement above corridors.

Any tips anyone?

University Hall would seem to fit your bill quite nicely; cheap too. I would say a small residence, but they're not really piano hubs - there's no way you would bring a keyboard rather than use a piano?
Size I you can swing a cat in the other a hamster.

Ahahahaha ^__^
Reply 2015
Hey guys, I'm kinda come that some of you have applied for accodomation when the online application opens on the 2nd of June? Or am I missing something? I firmed my offer sometime in mid-April and have yet to receive an accomodation pack/prospectus or anything of that I supposed to receive accomodation forms or anything like that?

No-one from the UK has received anything yet all we're going on is the webpage. International students get to apply earlier as sorting out their accommodation is more important as they are moving to a different country :biggrin:

Reply 2017
No-one from the UK has received anything yet all we're going on is the webpage. International students get to apply earlier as sorting out their accommodation is more important as they are moving to a different country :biggrin:


Ah, thanks but I forgot to mention that I am an international 'earlier' do you mean that I can actually apply now? If so, how do I go about doing so? Sorry, I'm pretty confused! :redface:
I would call them ASAP, although saying that I know other international students who haven't filled in their applications yet too, maybe its a conditional/unconditional thing? I dunno...

But yeah give them a ring or an e-mail (once you've been made an offer I've noticed the admin staff are quite lovely)

(from the website):

Students who have firmly accepted an offer of study can apply for accommodation online from 2 June 2008.

Your application will be acknowledged by email. It is essential that we have the current email and correspondence address for you between June and October.

Students unable to access the online application should write to the Accommodation Office after 2 June enclosing a self-addressed envelope.

Hope that helps :smile: