The Student Room Group

GCSE Coursework - Actual Deadlines?

Hi, I've got a fair amount of coursework to do. Our teachers are constantly telling us that the final deadline is this Easter. A few mates of mine from other schools don't NEED to hand it in till after the holidays (though generally they have), because it isn't sent off till may.
So are my teachers talking crap, or could it be that different exam boards need the work in at different times, and different schools send it off at different times. I'm working hectically to get it done, but fear i may have a few pieces outstanding come Easter. So are my teachers just trying to scare me? will they definitely not send my coursework off if it's not done (i know that might be school policy anyway, but i doubt it) so what are the actual deadlines?
Anyone know? Cheers
Reply 1
Hey there,

I think the deadlines for all courseworks are just about now - it differs slightly depending on the board and how quickly your teachers can mark/moderate as a department and then send the stuff off to the exam board. That will depend on how big your school is and how adept your teachers are, but every piece of coursework at my school was in for friday 22nd April (2 days ago from writing this).

Hope you get all of it done!
Reply 2
Our final coursework date seems like ages ago now - 7th March. I'm so glad it's all out the way. To be honest, I'd be pretty pissed off if I still had it to do right would I revise?! I'm glad I got it all in - though I'm not gonna lie; I was up at half two the night before finishing it all off! I got A*s tis ok. :smile:
usual dates for submission to examination bodys are usually in may...teachers want them in early so they can internally moderate them :smile: xoxo
The deadline is usually in early May (i.e. 1st week of the month). Ask your teacher for the exact dates. Hope these websites will help you for the time being.
Reply 5
In our school we do them at the beginning of year 10, then we just make sure we go over them and improve them before year 11. I thought all schools did that, guess not. I wouldn't take the risk, your teachers may be harsh on you and not send it off after the holidays, and that's not a chance I'd want to take....

Oh wait...bit late now heh. =/
In our school we do them at the beginning of year 10, then we just make sure we go over them and improve them before year 11. I thought all schools did that, guess not. I wouldn't take the risk, your teachers may be harsh on you and not send it off after the holidays, and that's not a chance I'd want to take....

Oh wait...bit late now heh. =/

LOL! mine hasnt even been sent away yet :biggrin: xoxo
the deadlines are between the 5-15 of may usually for each examination board some may differ but good luck :smile: xoxo
Reply 8
the deadlines are between the 5-15 of may usually for each examination board some may differ but good luck :smile: xoxo

some our different our AQA triple science marks have to be in tomorro
Err shouldn't you have finished all your coursework already :wink:

In my school I think it was around April/May.. some people hadn't even finished science courseworks then so the teachers ended up practically dictating to them what to write! :rolleyes:
Reply 10
yeh finished my last piece of coursework at 3am this morning. i think you guys are right, they have to be with the various exam boards by early may. still might be redoing a couple of pieces by the end of this week though
Reply 11
mmm, some time in may. however, at my school we are made to sign a contract rendering the final hand in date earlier, since the teachers want to moderate it and stuff. it seems fair, and it's quite annoying when people moan that they dont actually have to hand it in yet. these guys have had almost 2 years to do the work, so i don't know why they get so worked up about a few days...
Reply 12
Our teachers said that they had to send the marks off on Friday. I'm not sure if its true or not and one teacher took a day off sick so he could mark coursework for the deadline :eek:
Reply 13
I believe that OCR wishes to have Coursework physically in their hands by mid next week.